
Thursday, August 02, 2007


cold in winter
breath in the air
hot in summer
slow moving heat
heavy sky
roll the car windows up
never leave
the windows down
it was louder back then
the fans in the barn windows
the squealing
all over the barn
squealing and snorting
the bus picked us up
we stood
waiting in the weather
we looked both
when we got dropped off
but I can still hardly
cross a street.

Bonus- End of the world footage! Mutant sheep! Seven bowls of wrath! All that and more in the Comments Section!


Heidi the Hick said...

gahhhhhhh it's sooooooooo hot today.....

I'm out of ideas......

it's not my greatest epic ever okaaaaaayyyyyy

we're in the basement family room talking in fake British accents and I am writing really lame query letters and it's so hot outside, and so humid, that the SKY IS WHITE and if it doesn't rain we will melt, it's the end of the world, yes it's over, because we are melting. I am melting from the armpits outwards. I'm disgusting. It's 41C with the humidex or something like that. Melting I tell you. Melting.

Anyways not the best po em ever.

Heidi the Hick said...

Actually it's not that hot in my house today. Only about 26 C last time I checked.

It's just that on the radio this morning we heard about a mutant hermaphrodite lamb in New Zealand with seven legs and no lower intestine, which kind of freaked us out, especially Bucky who is wracking his brain trying to figure out what kind of genetic mutation problem happened there, and then...

I whipped out one of the three bibles in my bedside table (i'm not kidding) and we were checking out the beginnings of all the chapters, with the seven wings and seven crowns and seven bowls of God's wrath poured out over the earth, and the kids were rolling around on my bed yelling,

"Twisted tail! Eeeeepa! Eepa!"

and I said, geez, 41C, the power's gonna go off from all the air conditioners turnign houses into fridges (we do not have AC) and then there's this poor little lamb and hey some jesusfreak is gonna say that the world is ending.

We all three decided we were all right with Jesus.

And it's still hot outside.

And that still is not my best PO EM ever.

Heidi the Hick said...

by the way, that twisted tail thing is from the Simpson's Movie.

Heidi the Hick said...

Y'know I could do this all day. You guys better get crackin and leave me a comment or things are gonna get really weird over here.

dilling said...

um, how do we even comment? Do we, at this point, comment on the po em or on your maniacly manic comments?
Wish you could come out here to the beach...then I could leave the home renos til later with a much clearer conscience...

Biddie said...

Sounds like I got here just in time.
We are frickin' melting, too. No a/c here, either. Cripes...
Just a tax lady from RevCan breathing fire down our backs...
Anyway, I think it's a great poem.
I haven't seen the Simpsons movie yet, and Hairspray is on the list, too, even though John Travolta looks creepy as hell.
I heard about the little 7 legged lamb. End of times and God's wrath, huh? Crap. Better get my laundry done.

Heidi the Hick said...

Dilling, I think you should comment on the Po Em first then comment on the manical manic maniac namiac caminac manicac stuff.

And you know what? If I was there right now there's no way we'd be stripping floors. Nope. We'd be at the beach. Maybe strip floors then beach? Beach first? Either way's good for me.

Biddie, WHEW good thing you're here.

Yeah, see what I mean? John Travolta + fat suit + sparkly dress + beehive wig X lamb + 7 + legs



If you still don't believe it, I just did something that resembles math.

Get your laundry done. I think Jesus would appreciate that.

Heidi the Hick said...

Still not my best Po Em. I checked. Still not the best.

Biddie said...

You should call me. We have to plan for this concert...

Heidi the Hick said...

Yeah but then I'd have to use a PHONE!

Heidi the Hick said...

I know. Loser. Sorry.

Doughnut said...

Get out the ice Heidi...I think you are having a heat stroke! You need to cool down, chill out, lay low and let your metabolism slow. Our humidity broke today and it is nice outside right now. I think we will shut off the AC and open the windows for the fresh cool night air...I'd pipe it to you if I could!

Coffeypot said...

Mrs. Heidi, you've been tagged - again.

Heidi the Hick said...

Leroy, I spent a few hours in a frigid book store today. We had goosebumps! Isn't that a little extreme?

Anyways I'm hoping it cools off tonight.

yeah I think I'm going a little heat crazy. As opposed to regular crazy.

Coffey....I'm going to do that on Monday. Okeydoke.

dilling said...

after commenting on the poem, I would not strip the floors...there are two layers, of two differnt colours of venetian plaster to put on the walls...as long as the floors aren't finished, I can count them as drop cloths. The Beach is so much more fun in the heat of day, anyway, and I can plaster at night with a light. Your poem is Emotion Evoking...even from a gal who refused to ride the bus cuz the rich kids picked fights with me, poor white trash that live in the rich end... somehow....and I chose to walk home instead...plus? I could look at all the gardens and bugs and birds and stuff.

Heidi the Hick said...

Dilling, can we walk to the beach??? That would be the ultimate.

You know I've never seen the Pacific...!

Nicole said...


Best comments section ever.

Coffeypot said...

So let me get this straight. There's this lamb who can't shit but he can fuck himself, and he has enough legs to pass for a centipede? Sounds like the wrath of God to me. Talk about the worst and best of things!?!?

captain corky said...

I saw a picture of that lamb on a blog today. It's creepy. It's
getting hot here too. It was like 90 when I left for work at 9:30 last night. Ridiculous!

Heidi the Hick said...

Nicole, yeah, things got a little crazy back here...

Coffey. YES. Exactly. See what I mean????

Corky- There's one picture that shows up on every news story. Weird.

They put it down because it wasn't doing well. Duh. It had no lower intestine. I guess it was't doing well. Poor little thing.

As for hot outside, it's actually a little better today. At least there's a pleasant breeze. I think in Fahrenheit it was over 100 yesterday. Or like, maybe 170. I dunno.

My brain feels only just slightly better today!!!!!

dilling said...

Hedley will be playing at the Nanaimo Fair this month.

Heidi the Hick said...

REally? I better get my free tickets!

Those guys'll tell a girl anything.

Michael Colvin said...

Blimey I go away for a few hours and there's a whole phenomenon thing going on over here!