
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Things To Do At the Farm On Holiday Week

- go shopping at TSC. Get a new gate latch, broom, various snaps and fasteners, fly spray, and work gloves
-call up a buddy from church and put kids in her pool so I can look at her miniature horses
-get in the pool
-help her drag her Golden Retriever out of the pool
-go see another neighbour's horses and donkeys...and little two month old Fjord mule.
-go grocery shopping with mom
-ride our horses
-go shopping at the Thrift Store and get barn running shoes, T shirts, pants for riding, and a couple of paperbacks
-walk the pug through the long grass behind the garage
-do laundry
-go look at a free horse but regretfully decline to take her because she's a lovely gentle old unsound unrideable sweet ol lawnmower of a horse but she's a cribber (clamps teeth around top of fence and sucks air) and I don't want my young horses to pick up the highly addictive habit
-sweep barn
-feed barn cat
-wonder why the 4 wheeler won't start
-look for wheelbarrow in order to pick little manure plops out of corral
-gaze longingly at the '49 John Deere AR that isn't running because it's in pieces
-do more laundry
-go to the beach
-forget to call farrier
-forget to call vet
-remember that I forgot
-make vet appointment
-do laundry again
-hound the kids that there's no such thing as a hygiene holiday
-clean bridles
-sweep the dining room floor
-keep filling the dog & cat's water bowls because it's so hot
-keep filling the horse's water trough
-groom the sweaty horses
-watch them roll in the damp dirt after a torrential downpour
-stand in the rain because it feels so good after that many days of oppressive heat and humidity
-do a couple more loads of laundry
-close windows open windows close windows open windows
-drive around on the way to various shopping trips in town, checking out a few farms in the "kind of outdated/ slightly shabby/ downright rundown/ why are there mattresses and roofing shingles piled up out behind the shed" range as I speed past
-go visit my horses several times a day just by opening the door, putting on my shoes, and crossing the laneway
-fall into bed exhausted

If only life could always be like this...


Heidi the Hick said...

What I did not mention is-
-cat peed on the boot mat inside the front door
-dog crapped in my mom and dad's bedroom
-horses broke into the barn. TWICE.

Other than that...

...it's been lovely.

Really freakin horribly hot, but lovely.

Anissa said...

Hygiene holiday! *snort*

Rock on, Heidi! And I do believe someday your life will be like that every day. :)

Biddie said...

Sounds pretty good actually. Well, except for the crap. And the pee. Other than that, sounds lovely. :)

Biddie said...

Oh, yeah, the kids told me that you phoned.

katy said...

so that the first few hours taken care off what else you going to do then LOL

Doughnut said...

Where does novel writing fit in or blogging? Must come after dreaming hard when exhausted or somewhere between laundry loads...did you say you hang out the clothes too? :)

Xtin said...

oooooh can I come to your house?

Astaryth said...

Ummmmm.... My life is like that. My horse (and my other horsey charges) are all right across the street. And yet... it's not paradise every day! LOL! But, I have to admit I wouldn't have it any other way if given a choice!

chocolatechic said...

Sounds kinda like my life........only without the barn parts or the horses parts or the dog parts...

Ok...ok.........the only parts that sound like my life is the laundry, the opening and closing of windows and the getting after the kids part!

.:.KC.:. the brown eyed girl said...

lol. Haha, the Pug is so jokes.
I think I need to know the whole story about the horses breaking in to the barn.

Heidi the Hick said...

Answer time!

My plan is to live more like this.

Only, when it's my life, I'll have to find a way to fit my writing in. I haven't been writing much.

The pace out here is sloooooow...

...and I ain't really getting much done...

...other than cleaning up after my darn critters...

We don't hang clothes out to dry anymore. My mom's done with that. I do all the laundry when I'm here so she doesn't have to go to the cellar.

I was wondering if we should throw a barnwarming party when we get our own place.

Nope, it is not paradise. It's dirty work most of the time and even though we're only a few minutes outside of town here, we don't take three shopping trips a day. Everything in the country is a little bit harder- it's windier, hotter or colder, and often smellier!!! love it though.

And the laundry. LOts more laundry.

The Horses Breaking Into the Barn:

Sunday morning The little mare wrenched the big doors open (tack room, feed, and ATV parking) and got the grain bin open and had a little snack. If they overeat grain they can get very sick. Luckily I caught her on time but we had to nail the doors shut until we could fix it.

Yesterday morning my dad got up before me and there were no horses in the corral and the pasture gate was shut. They were in the barn, in the "People aisle" as opposed to the "Horse aisle" and they were standing there head to tail, not able to get any further down the aisle and not able to turn around. So my dad squeezed past them and pushed them out the door backwards.

Good thing I have nice calm horses eh?


Heidi the Hick said...

Anyways so that might explain why I haven't been writing much.

When I'm not cleaning up after critters I'm fixing the barn doors...

LadyBronco said...

I am totally laughing at 'hygiene holiday'!

I am so very glad it's not just my kids!


Doughnut said...

And here I thought if you weren't writing, you were doing laundry :)

Coffeypot said...

You didn’t say anything about plowing the lower 40 and rounding up and branding the cows and horses and sheep and pigs and chickens and the kids. And you didn’t say what you did or didn’t do after you noon lunch, either.

captain corky said...

Sounds great Heidi!

Heidi the Hick said...

Yeah...hygiene holiday. Really, they think they can roll in the dirt all day and then not wash which is not cool, because even though I'm a big believer in rolling in dirt- my horses do it every day- I'm an even bigger believer in washing it off! The horses are excempt. They don't have to wash. Just stand in the rain.

Hey LeRoy I did some dishes today too. Trying to be a helpful daughter!!

Branding the chickens...pfee hee hee hee!

In case anybody here hasn't already heard what the deal is out here at The Farm: it's only five acres and two horses and a barn cat. It used to be a working farm. It's enough work for me, that's for sure.

It does sound great eh? I'm having a good time.

Nölff said...

I buy most of my clothes at TSC. They understand fashion. I have to order my Dickies pants, though.

Heidi the Hick said...

Nolff, TSC gets it. It IS Hick Chic.

Plus I can buy kid's work gloves there that fit my tiny hands!

Doughnut said...

Hey Heidi...You are the helpful daughter and you actually did dishes by hand - no dishwasher?! If so, I am impressed you did your way - the old fashioned way :)