
Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Today I Am Throwing A Pity Party.

And you're invited. If you wish.

Listen, things are generally okay. I have a husband who loves me, two healthy and wonderful kids, and a roof over my head. There's food in the fridge. We'll probably get to keep the priviledge of hot water for a few more days at least. It's Okay.


Get out the balloons and streamers...let's have some Pity Cake...some whine and cheese...

Have I mentioned that the street that T-bones ours is under construction? And that we're the second house in from the corner? And that I haven't totally recovered yet from the Big Renovation of 2005 That I Still Can't Talk About?

Last night at about 9 there was a horrid sound outside our house. It was like a GIANT vacuum cleaner. Like it was sucking up our house. We ran upstairs and had a look...THEY were parking a huge massive Pavement Eating Machine across the street. THEY are the hated construction guys. I'm sure they're nice fellas and all but they are making my life miserable so therefore I will direct my vague hatred at them. Especially since the dude who changes his clothes while standing at the open trunk of his car hasn't been back lately. Dammit!!!!!

This morning I woke up at 6 to let the Pug out. I laid back down in my bed, under the ceiling fan. I couldn't even touch the Furnace Man beside me. Yep, he's hot alright. The Boy came over to say good morning at about 6:45 when my radio came on, and he promptly fell back asleep. He breathed sleep on me and I fell for it.

Meanwhile, THEY start working at 7 am. I was a farm kid- I know you have to get at it early. You use the daylight when you have it. You get as much done as you can before the heat gets to be unbearable. But I resent this loud intrusion into my morning. I have every window in the house open during the night to try to cool it down. And there's the Dreaded Pavement Eating Machine, a hundred feet away from my house. Like my entire house is being sucked up into its poisonous belly.

One of these machines has a backup beeper that sounds like an alarm clock. With the fans on, and the Giant Vacuum Suck From Hell, we didn't hear our alarms. We all struggled out of bed at about 8. Luckily with it being so hot we don't need to put on time consuming layers of clothes before we leave the house. I went around and shut all the windows to keep the heat out. It doesn't help much for keeping the noise out and does nothing for stopping the shuddering of my poor little house with every rumble of a giant machine.

Last night at 7 pm THEY were just finishing up. They dug a big hole where the street used to be. I could see the cab of the bulldozer and that's it. My house has been shaking for three days.

I want to move sooooo bad. I'm hearing rumours that my street is next. I can't do it. I have a tight chest and heart palpitations. I keep talking myself down and pulling out all the little tricks to stop the panic. I hate this.

Out in the country, you get noise too. You get the tractor passing your house over and over as the field gets planted. Later the combine comes through and it's huge, noisy, and rather frightening. But it's not there every day.

I didn't grow up on a dirt road, but was surrounded by them. The Heights is a dirt road right now. If a country road gets ten cars a day, you put up with the dust. A suburban road gets ten cars a minute. It's awful.

And it's boiling hot these days. The smog is so bad that the horizon is brown. I'm avoiding driving as much as I can- I hate contributing to the poison. Actually I'm staying in as much as possible. Ever since I was on anti-depressants I can't take the heat. So I'm in my house. Cringing at every thump and bump.

The Pug is panting just on the way to the bus stop. Poor little guy. I have to fill their water bowl several times a day now.

Worst of all...my ancient cat has been barfing a lot. Twice last night and three times already this morning. He blinks at me like it's nothing, and goes back to his strenuous relaxing regimen, but I worry about him.

I'm so tired. Have been for five days. Can't quite seem to get enough sleep.

Poor me.

There is hope though. Today is the last full day of school. I meet the kids at the bus stop for the last time at noon tomorrow. No more standing there glaring at the Othermothers when they roll through the stop sign; I will have two months to not have to be ready to throw myself in front of a minivan when it goes right through the flashing lights on the bus, to save my kid. I can spend the summer letting go of my anger at these parents who will put my child's life in danger just to get their own pudgy snot nosed kid to school and then get to the gym on time.

Let it go.

I get to spend the summer with my kids. They're two of my favourite people ever.

The dog and cat and I will be chilling under the ceiling fan for most of the day. I've got a good book to read. And an Equestrian Federation manual to study. And notes to take on my next novel project...

What's your pity today, and how are you dealing with it?

(Don't forget to take some cake with you.)


CindyDianne said...

Yes, I wanna join.

1. There is one week and 2 days until my wedding. I am not prepared. My To Do list is longer than I am tall.
2. I need to lose about 3 pounds in order to be comfortable in my dress and I am nervous. I eat when I am nervous.
3. My groom is sick. Kidney stones. No telling when those are going to get better and we are going to be in a foreign country in one week and 3 days. He doesn't have insurance because we were waiting to put him on mine. I am worried.

captain corky said...

No Pity for me today. I am super anxious though.... I didn't bring any cake but I did bring my trusty bottle of vodka. I never come to a pity party without it.

Feel better Heidi!!!

Heidi the Hick said...

Cindy...uh oh. Oh dear.

You know what though? I think there always has to be something wrong before a wedding. My dad got his right leg cut up bad three weeks before my wedding. He had an accident with a shattered grinding wheel. God, I shiver with horror even now just thinking about it. He spent two weeks on the couch and then limped me down the path to the gazebo.

It's never perfect. Life ain't like that.

Take care of your man, and take care of yourself too!!! (delegate some jobs.)

But those last three pounds. Dammit!!!!!

corky, you are feeling an incredible mix of excitement and nervousness. As you should be!!!

Thanks for the bottle...don't get yours and Jr's mixed up okay?

See ya folks. I'm going to the library where I can work in peace without these asshats and their overgrown tonka toys wrecking my day.

millhousethecat said...

I'd love to come, but my party dress is at the cleaners.

Besides, I'm too busy moaning about someone buying my house (someone buy my house already, dammit!) that I can't make it to yours. Even if my dress was clean.

Have fun! Send a postcard!

katy said...

oh cake oh vodka i am on my way, no stop wait i can't dam it we are flooded, well not my home just the whole city, its going down but now the roads are collapsing.

Biddie said...

JUst got here b/c I was at my disablity appointment. More on that later.
You know why/what my pitys are. They haven't changed. Yuck. Don't wanna talk about them.
BUT, I do want to say that you should check the by laws for your areas. There are time limits for how long construction can go one in residential areas. We have more of it here, too. Last summer we had our road torn up, this summer, it's starting again.
If I close the window, there is NO air to circulate, and the house stinks, stagnates...open the window, and I get the dust, dirt, and noise.
BTW, I got an ipod from KC and Spencer for my birthday. Care to guess what Shawn got me?
G'head. Try. Betcha can't.
Porky is going down hill fast. Worried about her, too.

Heidi the Hick said...

biddie- did you get the same kind of birthday present that my husband asks for every year? it's a great present and he asks for it for every birthday, father's day, Christmas day and anniversary, so that makes it easy for me with my bad memory!!

Indoors- you need a boat. Long trip across the ocean though. You'll have to stay home and pity party with your neighbours...sounds like they all have a reason to be pitying their own waterlogged selves...

Millhouse- Your house will sell but until then remember-- you don't need a nice dress for a pity party!

dilling said...

hey, me too!
something's in the air...and we need a good stiff wind!

Heidi the Hick said...

...to blow the stink away.

LadyBronco said...

My pity party is the guilt trip I'm getting at work because I got a new job.

"Oh, Rebecca, what will we do when you leave?"
"Oh, Rebecca, are you sure you can't stay?"
"Oh Rebecca, why can't you staaaayyyy?"
"Oh, Rebecca, did you change your mind yet?"

I feel bad enough leaving my friends and my immediate supervisor (All whom I love dearly) but this is getting ridiculous.

ChumleyK said...

Can I join? My husband is in the military and going to Iraq and today his cell phone ran out of minutes right after "Hello."

I totally sympathize with the road construction!! One of the houses I lived in at college was RIGHT next to a busy road. They decided to tear that road up with a road eater during the ONLY summer I took classes. So I got to listen to jack hammers all night and then get up early for classes the next day. It was terrible!

Heidi the Hick said...

Lady B that's gotta be hard!!

Chumley, you deserve not only a cake and balloons but also a tent. Heck we'll get you a bouncy castle and pony rides. I hope your man gets more cellphone time and that you get to talk to him while he's gone...

Michael Colvin said...

The noise thing is horrible to deal with. When we moved here this house was the first to go up and we were surrounded by heavy equipment. Luckily we were mostly at work all day but the cats were freaked when we got home.

I'm late reading this, trouble at work! I hope you are feeling better Heidi!