
Friday, February 23, 2007

My Old Cat

I love Nigel. He entered my life very soon after we got back from our honeymoon/ road trip because I knew that my new young husband would be working like a maniac and I needed some company. I also had to leave the family cat with the family when I left the farm. I needed a little cat friend. This total cool cat was the guy. I loved him instantly, with his knowing wink and his one crooked ear. We named him after Nigel Tufnel. That was more than 15 years ago.

He's at least 16 now and I don't know how much longer we have with him. Last fall I thought he was a goner. The kids have been warned that we have to love him up now while we can.

Today I went into my bedroom to get my glasses and there he was, all stretched out in the sun. He is so bony now that there's almost nothing left of him. Every time I see him I have to stop and make sure he's still breathing, and he breathes so slowly now, with me standing there waiting for his ribs to rise. He looks like he's been deflated.

When I pat him, he lifts his head and says, "Merrr." He purrs as soon as I rub his head and tickle under his chin.

I really believe that cats were put here to teach us how to live. Sometimes you just have to snooze in a sunbeam. I took some time to pat him, running my hand over the soft coat covering his bones. There's hardly any flesh left on him anymore. I don't think he hears well anymore. Skinny as a rail; deaf as a post. Fence cat.

Because of him, I'll never be catless again. Someday I'll welcome another little rescued cat into my home. I'll put up with the inconveniences and hassles of being owned by a cat just to have the joys:

finding him in my bedding

checking on sleeping kids and seeing the green eyes glowing back at me from the foot end of the bed

or from the pillow

being meowed at when it's time for a cat cuddle

the paw in the face every morning

a purring love machine inviting himself onto my chest when I most very much really need a friend

Just look at this face. Ancient! All knowing! I'm sure you can see why I love him so much!


Biddie said...

I think that Nigel is a one of a kind. I do. I mean, I love my Buddy, but your Nigel is ever so much more loving and sweet. He is. he is always ready for a cuddle, and unlike a lot of other cats, it's not just when HE wants love.
I hope that I get to see him again.

Heidi the Hick said...

I hope you get to see him again too. I really do.

dilling said...

he's way cuter than orlando! and someday when i don't live on a busy street anymmore, i will have another one, too...another orange tabby(mine had a crooked ear, too), hopefully.
scritch scratch to Nigel from me

Doughnut said...

I find that teenagers are a lot like cats. They only come around when they want attention. I can tell Nigel is a typical cat in so many ways. They love attention when they want it otherwise leave me alone...doesn't that sound like us growing up?

Metal Mark said...

He's a good looking cat.

Therese said...

Oh, this is so sweet and heartfelt...

We had a cat that could've been Nigel's twin. He was 16 last fall, and was in pretty much the condition Nigel's in--skinny, deaf, plus with one occluded eye and a big neck goiter during his last year or so.

He knew his time had come one day last fall; he took a walk into the woods and didn't return. Maybe he went in Nigel's stead?

Love that kitty up, that's the way to do it.

Crafty Missus said...

oh. tomcat. there are a few things that i love more than tom cats but not many.
does he head butt?
dilling and i met over our lost toms... and her post comment got me thinking of orlando in a cat costume....

Heidi the Hick said...

Cara, yes, he does the headbutt. My daughter calls him Mr. Pethimselfonya. He's also very good at moving whatever reading material you might be holding to make himself more available for a cuddle and a purr!!

Therese, oh your dear old cat. They know when it's time.

Metal Mark- thank you.

LeRoy- yeah that sounds about right!

Dilling- I don't actually let him out. He got beat up pretty bad as a kitten before the pound got him, and we lived in an upstairs apartment for the first year, so he never really got used to going outside. I have felt sorry for him sometimes but he doesn't seem to suffer.

As long as he has his warm spot of sunshine...

I hope you get another cat some day.

terry said...

awwww..... he looks so content all stretched out in the sun.

Guy Wonders said...

Our kitty passed away a few years ago. He was twenty-one. Like Nigel, he was deaf and a bit blind. He felt like a sack of bones when you held him in your arms. He was a feline version of a very old man.

Nevertheless, he was lovable and affectionate right up until the day he died.

It was incredibly sad when he was gone. . . .

Balloon Pirate said...

Nigel Tufnel? Best cat name ever.

He'll be around a long time, since he goes to eleven.


captain corky said...

I like him. 16 years is a pretty long time for a cat. I have two, I hope they're with us for a long time.

Anissa said...

What a sweetie! He looks so perfectly content. We can definitely learn a few things from our kitties.

katy said...

give Nigel a cuddle from me

Romeo Morningwood said...

Maybe Nigel is deaf because you always cranked your stereo up to 11.
That was a purrrfect way to celebrate your experience with Nigel. Poor thing I am sure that he loved every second of owning you.
Cats are funny. Unlike Dogs who are slathering sycophants, Cats could give a rat's ass about you as long as there is food in the dish and a scratch ready at their beck and call.
btw: they have a terrible sense of taste so save your money on the fancy aschmancy catfood.

It is a humbling experience to live with a cat..if you did leave they would survive unlike a dog who would pine away and starve.

I am more of a Dog person because I need to be adored..
and because everybody in our house is allergic to the protein in Cat Saliva...
but I do admire their independence and haughty 'whatever' attitude.

Wonderful tribute..I sure hope you get to spend more time together.

Michael Colvin said...

He looks beautiful in those photos. My cat Robbie is the same age and could be his long lost fat twin brother!

dmmgmfm said...

Your post made me cry. I have always had kitties. They are my furkids. I hope that Nigel is in your life for a long while. When the time comes and he does pass on, here is a website that might be comforting. The Rainbow Bridge

Coffeypot said...

There is just something about cat’s abilities, like the way it can stretch and flex. It looks so rewarding and comfortable. I want to be able to do it too – while I’m sober. They also sleep like there were no worries in the world – and to a cat there isn’t any. And I think Nigel has both abilities down pat. He’s had plenty of practice.

Notsocranky Yankee said...

I've never been a cat-person, but some cats, like Nigel, are awesome! My dog is cat-like in that she lays around all day sleeping. She's also quite a hunter.

I'm a little behind on comments because I was gone for a week. I read all your posts though! I'm leaving again tomorrow with the kids and I'll be back at the end of the week. See ya!

.:.KC.:. the brown eyed girl said...

I <3 Nigel.

Nicole said...

SO sweet, and he looks just like Nigel after a hard night of rockin'.