
Monday, February 12, 2007

God Help Me, I Love the Music Biz: 2007 HICK CHIC GRAMMY REPORT

I do love the Grammy Awards, even if it's bloated, self congratulatory and boring! I also love all of you, my readers, my blog buddies! I endure the sweet torture so that you don't have to. I'm takin' it for our team, okay?

This is Awards Show Season!! I set up the Awards Show Season Tree and put up my Awards Show Season Decorations! Okay I don't really do that because I'm too lazy but I do hunker down with the remote and the kids and the dog and cat, and a bottle of beer and a bowl of popcorn. I share the popcorn but not the beer. Good times.

Okay first of all, I missed the Police. I was talking to my mom on the phone about my Dad avoiding frostbite while snowblowing with the tractor and didn't get to the TV on time. I have mixed feelings about this. While my Dad's fingers and toes are worth more than a Police reunion performance, I was curious, and yet hesitant, because what if they totally sucked?

And the day after I'm still confused because one report stated a standing ovation, while another claimed that it was so lame nobody stood up. Whatever. I missed it, and Dad's got new mitts.

Next, Joan Baez introduced the Dixie Chicks.
I'm gonna come right out and say it- she looks great. Of course she's got wrinkles- how old is she? She righteously deserves them- and look how fit she is, and her beautiful silver hair.

As for the Dixie Chicks, the only thing I didn't like about this performance was the new Natalie Maines Serious Artist Hairdo.

Otherwise I thought the whole thing was very heartfelt, which can be difficult when surrounded by a huge string section and 40 guitar players. I'd love to see this with fewer musicians but they done good.

May I say that Prince is the coolest? Am I ready to admit that I really dug him in the 80s? Listening to my Purple Rain cassette while staring out the window at the barn in a snowstorm?
This man is so cool that IF he were to sweat it would be drops of liquid menthol.

Beyonce. Ah, Beyonce. So physically perfect. So abundantly talented. So insanely gorgeous. I'm so tired of her.
I really am. I'm sorry. This was her "Jennifer Who" performance and while it was very good I couldn't help but notice the amount of reverb on her mic. An attempt at more magnificence?? Ever since she lost weight I hardly recognize her. At least she's not white and blonde, because then she'd really blend, and it's just not right for Beyonce to blend.

Mary J Blige. The only woman who can make Bono insignificant.
She thanks God and actually sounds like she means it! She squeezed in more Thank Yous than anybody else and reeled off at least 50 just during the Wrap It Up music! I think she had a really good night and well deserved.

Shakira. Gawd. Listen, I dig her action- I have great respect for her honest hips and wish I could do that. I could, once, back when I didn't actually have hips yet. If I keep up my Pilates maybe I'll attempt it when nobody's looking...and I do have hair like that every time it rains...
...but WHO the HELL gave this girl permission to sing? Yeeeesh! Does she need her sinuses unblocked? This is the second awards show that I turned the volume down on her.

Tony Bennett and Stevie Wonder. Stevie does not know what he's wearing, so I'll not say nasty things about his clothes. Tony thanked Target. He knows where his bread gets buttered. He's been doing this thing long enough to know.

My daughter loves Tony Bennett and I'm okay with that.

That Timberlake kid, who sat with his mom and was the only other person who spent more time onstage than Mary J?
Y'know, he's pretty talented. He should stick with this music thing. He could really do something with it.

The Corrine Bailey Rae/ John Legend/ John Mayer thing would have been lovely if it weren't for the distortion. I don't know. Being married to a recording engineer has ruined me. I can't listen to that without thinking that these guys are supposed to know how to avoid that. It's the friggin Grammys. Hire guys who know what the f**k they're doing. I know it's a big production but geez. Anyways. Three very talented people who sounded great together. I wish I could have found a picture of that performance.

Speaking of John Mayer... he cracks me up. He's starting to look a little bit Edward Scissorhands with the hair and the paleness. I like it, because I love Edward forever. But he's so funny! He either looks totally smoked up...
or in a strange combination of ecstasy and agony...

and I really hope he was joking on the red carpet about the tux being for his wedding in May. That's just wrong.

Gnarls Barkley proved that a good song can be totally screwed with and still work. They covered their own song.
This guy is huge and has an amazing voice and a hell of a lot of white teeth. My daughter thinks he's awesome.

Ludacris thanked Oprah. I had no idea she was a big hip hop fan. What the heck do I know...and why did he keep his shades on? That's so messed up rock star. Stop that. Only Prince can do that.

I was rather confused that Dixie Chicks won Best Country Album because I have this album, and it ain't country. In fact I think it's a crap album. I know it's hard to separate it from that political and personal controversy, but on a strictly musical basis, it's crap. I said it when it first came out and I'm saying it now. I hope after this, they'll go back and find some hot writers to collaborate with, and remember the concept of harmonies as opposed to unison singalongs, and come up with some better lyrics.

I mean, come on. "I'm still mad as hell and I don't have time to go round and round and round." How long does it realistically take to go round and round and round? I can do it right now.

See? I just went round and round and round and you hardly even noticed. No more lazy lyrics! Leave that to the interchangeable pop airheads! You are the freakin Dixie Chicks! Don't shut up, okay? But please, SING! I want to love them again, I really do.But you know, they look happy, and I'm very happy for them, because this has got to feel pretty damn good.

Speaking of country music... Here's little Carrie Underwood, who clearly benefitted from the grind of that show she was on, and is developing a perfect Country Singer Big Blonde Hairdo.

I really liked this Bob Wills tribute. It was pure Old Country and lots of fun. But I'd like to fire the soundman.

I don't like the Eagles. This surprises many people, me included. I hate Hotel California and always will. So Rascal Flatts turns in a better performance than the original and confirms to me that Rascal Flatts are the Best Cover Band Ever. Very professional. Note perfect and boring. Moving on.

I was really glad to see Jazz saxophonist Ornette Coleman getting some Recognish before he croaks. They gave out like, 500 Lifetime Achievement awards, mostly to deceased folks.

I must also say that Lionel Richie sang my least favourite song of his (it's right up there with Hotel California) but he looks and sounds great.

I'm not sure what this was.
Chris Brown is a hell of a mover and even had a little trampoline routine which was very cool but if there was music involved I missed it because I was too busy watching his feet.

Christina Aguilera. She is awesome. Her hair looks fried but man, she is electric.

This is from her performance of "It's a Man's World" and I was speechless. Everyone else can just shu'up.

Which leads me to the James Brown tribute. How would they honour The Godfather of Soul? I thought this was perfect.
The empty cape draped over the mic stand made me weep.

We'll let his body of work speak for him. Nobody else can speak for him anyways.

But then...James Blunt. Why, why, why? He's one of the few English men who does not turn my crank. Make him stop.

Red Hot Chili Peppers closed the show with the kind of beautiful mess that only they can pull off.

Most people will tell you that they sucked but I love them irrationally so I'm going to tell you that they were interesting. Frusciante has shorn his crazy long hair and sprouted a full beard, making it even harder for me to recognize him and attempt eye contact. Flea was dressed-in-yellow-she-says-hello-come-sit-next-to-me-ya-fine-fellow and yes he did bust a move. Chad Smith is awesome and must often wonder how a normal guy like him who looks like your mechanic ended up with those three characters. Anthony...ah Anthony... he has the worst pitch and most charisma since David Lee Roth.

After their acceptance speech, in which Chad challenged all watchers to go start a rock band, I am gonna go start me a rock band. We'll call ourselves the Punk Ass Cowpokes and it'll be a country-punk-heavy metal-blues band. Who's in????

So it was a long excruciating ordeal and I love-hated it as much as I always do. Here are a few more details to wrap it all up:

Impending Worry of the Evening: Scarlett Johanson is apparently making a record.
Listen, I totally dig her. I think she's gorgeous, I have enjoyed her dramatic stylings in several movies, and she has a wonderful raspy speaking voice. But do we really need another singing movie star? Or an acting singing star? And does she really need to have Jessica-Avril-Ashlee-Hilary's hair? Is this necessary???

Unlikely rock stars of the evening: Neil Portnow, the President of the Acadamy, who always does an awesome music biz pep talk that makes me wanna run right out and buy 50 saxaphones for my kids' schools, and Al Gore, the Former Next President of the United States, who makes me wanna run right out and cut the power lines to my house and never drive anywhere ever again.

Here is a photo of a person called Imogen Heap whom I've read about and who is apparently a critic's darling: This outfit is a disaster but it's so crazy that I must like it. And I looooooove those white boots.

Do you know who this is?

This is Ike Turner. He is not dead or in jail, and he won a Grammy.
Nice to see that he's all cleaned up and sane now. Umm...

This is Nelly Furtado. I want to smack the smirk off her face. Seriously, who is her image stylist, who would advise her to put on such a face? She's beautiful but she looks so weird, in a very bad way!
And that dress is nasty. She's hosting the Juno Awards this year. She'll probably squint and pucker her way through the whole thing. See, kids, look what being a Promiscuous Girl does to your face! Keep your legs together if you don't wanna end up like this.

Jamie Foxx. You're handsome and award winningly talented. And you're funny.
Now put it away, dear.

Jennifer Hudson. I am not tired of her. She may come back next year.

So after all of that, I picked up all the dog toys and the slippers and the popcorn bowl, and put the empty back in the case, and stumbled into bed. I need to rest up now for the Oscars and I'm flippin exhausted!!

Like I said...God help me, I just loooooove showbiz.


Biddie said...

Where do I start? I don't watch the Grammys (although I might watch the Junos)or the Oscars or any of those award shows. I don't really need to, I got you. I did manage to see the RHCP. Well, I HEARD them, anyway. I also heard part of The Dixie Chics speech..(was there more than one?)
Ike Turner. Isn't he dead? I thought he was. That is one scary looking cat. Check out his eyes.
James Brown. I can't get past the fact that he was a wife beater and crazy as a shit house rat. He died and left his wife and youngest kid high and dry. I have a hard time celebrating people like this, even if they are musical genuises. I know. I should get over it, but I just can't.
I totally agree with your statement(s) about Jamie Foxx. PUT IT AWAY.
Prince. Did he perform?? Please tell me no, because I will be utterly heart broken if I missed that.
Mary J blige said thank you? Alot? Too bad I missed that. I have seen her in interviews, and she is a bitch. Wish I would've ssen that.
Poor Stevie Wonder. Why on earth won't someone help him? Really. I didn't think that there was such thing as a fashion co-ordinator for the blind.
Shakira. You hit the nail on the nose. Hips might not lie, but record executives sure do. She sucks.
Staring a rock band? Sounds great! Got room for a tambourine player, ala Davy Jones? Let me know, you got my digits.

Heidi the Hick said...

Biddie, I bust my ass watching awards show so that you don't have to!

I'm glad you mentioned the dark side of James Brown. Musically he changed the landscape but my god, his life was a mess. Just a tragic disaster.

Prince didn't perform. In fact, all he did was say THREE WORDS. And I was like...damn. Smooth.

Mary J seems to be intent on becoming a Good Person! I think the demons may have been banished!

Ok, so you can play tambourine, and I'm gonna caterwaul like Shakira. Who else have we got?

Timmy said...

Oh shit- I totally missed watching, thank god you are here to help me!!

CindyDianne said...

I was thinking a little while ago that I was kinda sad I didn't watch the Grammy awards - not a bit of it. However, I read this and I feel like I'll seen and heard everything I needed to see and hear. But, I have a couple questions:

1. Why did the Dixie Chicks win Best Country album when it is a sooo not country record? Huh? Of course, it is also a terrible record and I don't think it should have won anything. But, I do like the Not Ready to Make Nice track ok...

2. Is Imogene Heap a man or a woman? Inquiring minds want to know.

CindyDianne said...

Oh, and I wanna play the bongos. Preferably naked and with Matthew! ;-)

Heidi the Hick said...

Timmy, baby, that's what I'm here for!!

Cindy, I totally agree with the non-country album thing, especially when there were four other nominees that really were country albums. Whether I liked them or not!

That's MISS Heap. Some things do need to be clarified! Sometimes you can't tell!

Ok so Cindy on bongos and I need to contact Matthew McConaghey's people...

Nicole said...

Thanks for the awesome Grammy rundown, Heidi. I missed the whole thing, and I'm such a dork that I didn't even think to DVR it. Did Bon Jovi sing, perchance?

Curiosity & Joy said...

hi hick chic,

this is kevin, cara's hubby. she has asked me to comment on the Police thing as I saw them in 1982 while they were in the rush hour of their fame. i was also totally into them. you know, before the first note has subsided you know what song it is.

anyway. i thought that they were great. we only have a little toastersized teevee so the sound was bad but they were really givin'er. I think if the crowd seemed out of it it's because they're not used to seeing only three musicians playing their intsruments - well. if you listen to the first three albums it's obvious that they have more in common with Cream or Rush as a technically awesome power trio. Modern TV doesn't know what to do with that. It's also worth noting that they were on the go and had established themselves as one of the world's biggest touring acts before MTV and videos came on the scene. This was before they released the singles record which had the lame version of every breath you take.

anyway, i think that they were great in an environment not calibrated for such things as a rock band playing stripped down songs.

CindyDianne said...

MISS Heap has a very masculine face. I'm just sayin'!

Therese said...


Oh, Therese swooned...

My first-ever big time concert was seeing them on their SYNCHRONICITY tour in 1983.

Sting did a stellar job of the high notes in the opening bars of Roxanne, then came back to current reality with a lower but groovilicious tone for the rest of the song.

(yes, that's a word, how can you even ask?)

I SO love Sting now, but was pretty hot for Stuie back in the day. He played better than he ever did then, IMO.

And yep, they did get an S.O.

I was going to blog about the awards myself, but you did such a fab (and pretty much dead-on-with-my-opinions) job, I'm just going to link you and give you all the glory.

Heidi the Hick said...

Nicole, your Jon Bon was not there, so you didn't miss out!

Hello, Kevin! So glad to see you! And thank you for filling me in on the Police. I think you're right: the audience has been so trained to respond to a phalanx of dancers and strobe lights and backup singers that this was a bit of a kick upside the head! They are three great musicians, period. Well. I'm so so so pleased to hear that they were good...and kind of really disappointed that I didn't see it!! (YouTube maybe????)

Cindy...y'know, I could be wrong...! I just got a listen to one of her songs and she sounds like a lady! But then, so does James Blunt...

Therese, yes, groovilicious is a word. Of course it is! (I will blush with humble honour if you link this, I mean it, I will be stunned!)

How are we doing with my new band, the Punkass Cowpokes? We need a drummer to back Cindy and Matthew up on the bongos...

Nicole said...

>>We need a drummer to back Cindy and Matthew up on the bongos...

Oo! Me! Me! Pick me! I have an uber cool aluminum feed bucket that will sound awesome when whacked with a stick. Of course, I'll have to fly in from Arizona for band rehearsals. Let me go check on my Capital One Rewards points.

Anissa said...

Awesome post, Hick Chic. Your commentary cracked me up! Can't wait for the Oscars.

captain corky said...

Thanks for the recap. I couldn't watch the Grammys because I had to work last night. I thoroughly enjoyed your take on it.

terry said...

excellent review. as for the police... meh. they were kinda dull. it would probably have been nigh on impossible to meet everyone's expectations... and it was good to see them together again... but...

prince. yeah. he can just walk on stage, say three words, and bail and be the coolest cat EVER. he even seemed genuinely pleased when mary j. beat him in whatever the hell category they were nominated in.

john mayer. *sigh....

hey, i want to watch the grammys with you next year!

Angela said...

Ahhh, Thank you Heidi... Thank you for letting me know what happened. It's times like this that I really do miss watching TV.

Heidi the Hick said...

Nicole, if you don't have your own stick to whack the feed bucket with, I can provide you with a wide variety!

Anissa, so glad you liked! I will be warming up my note taking pen for the Oscar report now...

Terry! You watched it! I wonder if we can do some kind of cyber-grammy-watch next year??? since you live on the other side of the continent from me!

Angel, you are so welcome. I don't have cable or anything because I can't justify the expense (ie I'm cheap) and the TV is in the basement. Usually I can only get ONE channel, fortunately one I like, but last night I tweaked to rabbit ears until I got the grammy channel. What a relief!!

dilling said...

i did watch...some....i kept flipping back from, um, what? Something else entirely(Crossing Jordan? and Something Else?)...though I can't remember what else i was watching...i caught about three awards, the police and red hot chili peppers...
i loved the police though it was my very least favourite song(and most predictable, no?) , Sting is delieriously hot and I need to work out harder, was dismayed by how horrible the sound was throughout...I mean, c'mon, it's all about the sound, it's music....i DO love james blunt and the sound was horrible, I was yelling at the tv as he sang "You're Beautiful", the chili peppers just seemed to pick the the most boring song to cover on the album and, honestly, I wondered just where the hell they went... they bored me and they never bore me...I was happy the Dixie Chicks won, a bit, though I was sad that they won over Willie Nelson, the Songs of Cindie Walker cuz that IS a COUNTRY ALBUM and theirs was not...BUT I do believe that Not Ready to Make Nice is one of their best arrangements(unlike you) but it does not necessarily have to be political cuz it always makes me think of my mom every time I hear it and, most honestly, I DO NOT have time to go ROUND AND ROUND AND ROUND with her...and if music is not for voicing your beliefs, political or otherwise, than what else is Neil Young, Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, James Taylor, Willie Nelson, and Kris Kristpheron, Green Day? etc going on about???? Or one million others?
James Brown beat his wife and I can't get past that...
Jamie Foxx rocks my world.
Christina Ricci was wearing a fabulous dress...I love Mary J for that song about leaving an abusive relationship...and Shakira and the Honest Hips? How in the hell did that song make it anywhere? It sucks. And I am exhaling now and I hope I did not piss you off..."If these spirits have offended, think but this and all is mended...." I don't remember the rest of this quote, sorry. I have had(gasp) two beers tonight and that may be the end to that quote....

dilling said...

and, sigh, i just can't seem to like john mayer... i don't know why...he's what i usually most like in an artist, but still, somehow, i just can't do it. i turn the station whenever he comes on...

Heidi the Hick said...

Oh Dilling, you can't piss me off for voicing your opinion! I love that. That's what we're here for!

You are right, that Chili Peppers performance was substandard, but you know me, way too forgiving of my loved ones...

I do think Not Ready To Make Nice is the best song on that album. And it's totally true that artists use their music to express themselves and after all, isn't that what we're doing right now?! I got tired of the way suddenly the Dixie Chicks were all about politics and controversy but you know what? I've never gotten death threats and if I did I guess I'd go out and make an album like that too. (Except MY engineer/ producer would leave a bit of air between all the notes, geez.) But anyways, thank you for your take on the lyric that I didn't like. It's good to see a different perspective!

I cna't tell you how much I wish that James Brown was ONLY leaving behind a musical legacy and not that ugly abusive trail of destruction.

And as for John Mayer... man I wish I liked him more. There's so much to like and for me, I just can't get it all together for him. Sometimes I just don't get something and it's a total drag when everybody is raving over it and I'm not. Like poor young James Blunt. I just can't dig him. Sigh. And here I thought I had so much love to go around!!!

Coffeypot said...

Joan Baez beautiful? That woman could make a freight train go up a dirt road. Did she raise her arms? Did she use the weed whacker before putting on that gown? I love her music and had several of her albums (before I lost them in a fire – the house smelled like singed hair) but she is not now, never was back in the day, and even as a baby, beautiful. Besides, I haven’t heard from her in so long I though she was dead. She smells that way, anyway, according to many stories I have read in places like Rolling Stone. She is what I call a gnawer. If you wake up in the morning and find her beside you, lying on your arm, you gnaw it off to keep from waking her up. Ugly!

Heidi the Hick said...

Technically I said she looks great and her silver hair is beautiful.

...make a freight train go up a dirt road!!!!

Crafty Missus said...

coffee pot! that's mean!
i missed the grammys, let kevin watch the police (good review honey)ant then it was off with the t.v., but i still got an opinion (actully lots of opinins but as this is your blog i'll limit myself)
-i heart prince, super cool.
-john mayer: zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
-there was a bob wills tribute and i missed it!!!!!?!
-i've noticed that when christina aguilera opens her mouth good sounds come out. crappy lyrics and music, but good pipes. i heard her mother lived up the shore and sang in the choir at church. true story.
-when did will ferrel join RHCP?
-smelly retardo sucks.
-and i want to be in your band. i'll send you an audition tape.

Heidi the Hick said...

Cara, your opinions rock.

Will Ferrell and Chad Smith were separated at birth!

DINK said...