Hey everybody, it's that time of year! Time for People magazine to roll out the Hottest Bachelors issue, because don't you know that The Sexiest Man Alive issue is never enough, and that's why I love and hate People mag. Love, for all the eye candy. Hate, because they keep suckering me into buying another magazine. And it's over $6 now! Dammit! That's a bag of milk and a loaf of bread! Damn you People Magazine!
But I bought it. I had to. If you've been here before you'll know that appreciate the menfolk!
Now this year's cover boy is an interesting choice. Apparently he won this little talent contest which I didn't watch, what with not getting any channels on my TV. I can't say that I totally get his appeal, although I do think he has lovely hair, and that if you squint real hard he kinda looks like George Clooney's brother. I think most of us agree on the Clooney thing, to one degree or another. Plus, this guy's last name is HICKS.
Here's a guy who likes pickup trucks and dogs and Airstream trailers, likes to cook, likes to sing, doesn't like to follow the rules all that much (You know I love a bad boy!) and looks real good in worn out clothes:
Here's a guy who looked mighty fine in a cowboy hat, has beautiful arms, pretty eyes, and two dogs:
(The Matthew and Jake pages were right across from each other in the magazine. I was looking at it at breakfast this morning and declared, "Now that is two full pages of Gooooood Lookin!" My daughter raised a 12 year old eyebrow and nodded slowly.)
And here's a guy who is not a bachelor, and is 100% taken, but I still love him, you know I do! He likes living in seclusion and gardening. Swoon.
My girl KK, daughter of my Bestest, and my official goddaughter, has a hatred of Vanessa Paradis that is only natural for a 15 year old girl. I think it's great that she's 15 and already has such good taste as to love the Depp. I however, am old and taken myself, and therefore think of Vanessa as being the Other Luckiest Woman in the World.
Because the only thing hotter than a Hot Bachelor is a Hot Husband!!!!
Matthew McYummahey. I hope the Bedhead Redhead comes home on time to see this one!
JJ from my limited experience I'd have to say that with few exceptions, the famous are shorter and smaller in real life. The exception would be the singer from Thornley who I have walked past...he is about 7'8". Or something, how would I know, everybody looks tall to me!
I like Matthew because he looks like a guy who's cool about everything. Maybe he has a dark side, who knows, he just looks so laid back.
Kari I promise to always have some fine men here!
Badmonkey, you always come up with an interesting comment!
I love em scruffy. It's a a bonus if they clean up nice, but I love a man who looks slightly messed up. I think women are visual but we go by imagination.
My husband believes it's not what you see, it's what you don't see. And also, summer is better because you see a little more of what you don't see.
So yeah, I guess I would have to agree with you, Badmonkey!
Well, I'm not a Johnny fan. But I must say Jake is hot. Apparently, he gets nakedish in Jarhead. I haven't seen it but it's on the list of movies to see. I'll let you know.
Heidi -
Never in a million years would I have thought that I would comment on a post like this, but here goes. I had to go downtown to run an errand at lunchtime. After that I went to my favorite used bookstore and when I came out I almost ran into Rob Lowe. He was talking to some people at a sidewalk cafe next door. He was saying, "I'm proud of this new project. I think you'll find it compelling."
I know he's not a bachelor - but does he fit into your hot category?
BTW, he's like most actors I have seen in person - short.
Farce! Fraud!
I was a hot bachelor once and I never made it in there. I think what they mean is Hot Bachelor Celebrities!
Oh well.
Random- I have to see Jarhead. I think I'm missing out on something!
JJ- ok now back to the store to look for Newsweek...
Reid- Hi! Wasn't expecting you today! ha ha
I will always love Rob Lowe because he was in The Outsiders...and because he sent himself up perfectly in Wayne's World. Compelling...
I should be acting. I'm short.
Jas- hey, you're an intermittent net celeb, does that count??? Now yer a hot married dude, arencha?
Random- "Nakedish". Perfect.
Hmmm. I missed that issue. Which page was I on?
Also, tell Jethro that he's not the only one who had trouble with their first encounter with the TO meter. I perfomed at the Fringe Festival in '03, and couldn't make heads nor tails of them.
Pirate- you're in the "Yeharr" section of the hot bachelors edition.
I'm sure he'll be relieved to know that he's not the only one who's not from around here and didn't get the meters. Were you doing stand-up?
I'm performing at the kid's music recital tonight. I hope they still love me afterwards.
Matthew and Jake can eat crackers in my bed ANYTIME!
crackers, oreos, chips...I wouldn't kick either of them out.
I agree with badmonkey. Do you remember the Seinfeld episode regarding "bad naked"? Anyway...
I saw Matthew on Oprah's show a while back. The more he talked the less attractive he became...almost like his cute boy-next-door-mammas-boy image was starting to go to his head. Men need to be confident but humble about their appearance or better yet unaware of their attractiveness.
Oh no! the more he talked the less attractive he became? that's terrible!
There are a very small number of men who can be arrogant and still be sexy. Those ones blow my mind. The rest are best off not really caring about how good looking they are. Just be natural.
That's what I think.
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