
Friday, January 08, 2016

A week's worth of 2016

Yeah it's pretty much the same.

Since I don't make "resolutions" because I believe that's just a great way to disappoint yourself, I like to make one simple goal. One year it was "Go to bed before 11:00"  and one year it was "Have a more beautiful house."  This year it's even simpler: one word.


What is most important?  What needs attention now, and what can wait?

It's actually not simple at all.  It can get into time management and house keeping and relationships and money.  But in a totally paradoxical way, it absolutely can be simple and easy, because it's about importance.

I'll tell you what though, I really tend to make my couch-blanket-dog combo very important.  Right now at this moment I'm okay with that.


jules said...

Just one goal? What a good idea! I'll give that some thought.

jules said...

Hey Heidi, good to see you posting. I miss you when you aren't here for a while.

Auntie said...

Heidi, your post resonates with me. My one word goal for 2016 is PURGE. It's all just stuff! Good luck with your goal and I hope to make some headway with mine. Happy 2016!

Paul Tee said...

I know what you mean. Shinny resolutions fade very quickly and from the outset skirt with failure. But then I figured that’s because I was aiming too high. So now I aim low.

This year I resolve to breathe more. I can do that.

This year, I will listen less.

This year, I will hang up on telemarketers.

However, I can’t find a single word that covers all that.
Reduce, simplify, minimalize?

Auntie, I really like your Purge, and if you don’t mind, I will borrow it. Purge has such visceral impact, and has the connotation of getting rid of nasty, unwanted things, leaving you cleansed and healthier..

Undercover Confidential said...

One of my grand daughters (I think the middle one who's 8 1/2) asked me what my resolutions were. I told her, "To love my grand daughters more." She liked that answer.