Bucky and I hang at the library for over an hour. This town's library is amazing. It's, like, FULL OF BOOKS! And they have People magazine and Quill & Quire and a few really uppity decorating magazines, that I can read for free! Awesome. Bucky gets to use the crappy microsoft computers for an hour. When he's done, he checks out a book and meets me in my reading spot.
Last night I was reading about Tori Spelling's $200,000 debt and her weird rich childhood and her new life as an almost normal (Hollywood standards) person, when a little balled up bit of paper flicked onto the coffee table in front of me. Obnoxious kid upstairs in the balcony? Ignore. Another one hit my boot. I looked around. Decided not to be the dork looking for the snickering instigator. One landed in my book bag. It had to be Bucky. I ignored him because I had to read about Paulina Porizkova and how her gorgeous body has changed shape. Ha, her and me both, hahaha!
I got pelted with little green bits of paper. Ignore. He wants me, he can come get me.
Finally I packed up my stuff and went looking -- he zipped around the corner, blonde curls flowing out of his hat, coat hanging off his shoulders, big crazy grin. "Did you READ them?"
So I sat down and unfolded each note and chortled and snorted.

Apparently he was done his computer time.
That's funny!
He's a real prize, my boy...
Your lad's a class act :-)
At least the notes weren't wrapped around rocks. My mom use to ignore me, too, and look how I turned out. Of course she would NEVER have taken me to the library because she didn't drive. We didn't own a car.
That's so cute. What were you reading that was so good to get that many notes?
This sounds exactly like something my son would do in five or six years!! Right now he just pelts balled up hershey kiss foil wrappers at me across the dinner table.
What a blessing relationships like this are!
Olly, bizarre though it may seem... I was so engrossed in Tori Spelling's account of asking her dad for allowance. He called of the maintenance crew so she'd have some leaves and dog poop to clean up to earn her allowance. She said that meant more to her than the time he rented a snow machine so the kids could have a white Christmas. Just...wow.
Can't relate! I grew up with White Christmas AND dog poop!
And I'm reading this while my precious son is pelting me with paper! What does this say about me???? hahaha
Heidi, you said it- blessings. Kids can be so frustrating, let's face it, but I love hanging around with them. They're so much fun! They make me laugh every day. I feel so lucky.
That's adorable, Heidi!
Sounds like something one of my boy's would've done.
Great post!
These are so great. My mum still has a little note folded up in her address book that we found years ago, after my little brother and his friend Tim had a small-boy grumpy fight (soon forgotten!). It reads, in wobbly felt-tip letters, as follows:
"OK then and you can stick this UP YOUR NOSE!"
I like Bucky's method of communicating. Ancient yet effective. When my daughter was tutoring the kid at the library (also Wednesdays if you recall), I did the same as you -- headed to the magazine collection.
How funny! Very creative... lol
She got an allowance for doing chores? hmm... I had no allowance, my mom made all my money decisions until the day I went to work... she still tries to, now that I htink about it...
I didn't get allowance either... and now I told my kids they don't get paid for household work, cuz I don't!
I really love the library. (That one is gorgeous too.) I love it that I don't have to pay to read People mag!
I think my mom still has a few notes tucked away that my sister and I wrote each other in church!
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