
Sunday, August 12, 2007

What my novel is NOT

-funny (at least not consistently)
-about me
-about horses
-about rock stars, although they make frequent appearances
-an inspirational Christian story where all the characters get saved
-full of easy answers
-a fan letter to Johnny Depp
-much like my blog at all


Jethro said...

See, and all this time everyone was thinking this novel is about ponies, and fall fairs, and cotton candy, and carnies, and... (ah whatever...)

We're all just going to have to wait until the big scary publishing gatekeeper trolls decide to let you cross the bridge and deliver your manuscript to the masses!

Don't worry baby! I don't think everyone is expecting a sugar-coated bleccchhh.


.:.KC.:. the brown eyed girl said...

I can't wait to read your book!!!

captain corky said...

What about hookers? Any hookers at all?

I bet it's great!!!

Timmy said...

I wanna read it!!

Xtin said...

(1) Thank god (although it is certain to be funny in places, your sense of humour is too finely honed for it to be otherwise)
(2) I don't believe you
(3) I believe you
(4) The perfect novel condiment
(5) Thank god
(6) Would never have suspected it for a second
(7) Thank god
(8) Oh, thank fucking god
(9) Damn. Was looking for some.
(10) Double damn.
(11) I believe you. Except that I suspicion that your voice comes through just as damn clearly as it does right here.

Coffeypot said...

It can be about anything you want it to be as long as it includes rape, murder and mayhem with plenty of explosions and car chases; maybe a bicycle chase or an attack by skateboarders. Maybe an Amish drive by shooting: …clop, clop, bang, bang, clop, clop… What is it about, anyway? I gotts ta know!

raine said...

Is it a mystery? A love story? Erotica? True crime? One of those Canadian "tragedy in a prairie town" stories? Comedy? What? What?

Heidi the Hick said...

Jethro, hee hee, remember the fall fair? I snuck that in there! (You're the one holding my hand when I cross the bridge trying to placate the publishing gatekeeper trolls!)

KC- You do know that it can be arranged, right?

Captain Corky...sorry!

Timmy, I want you to!

Xtin, your relief is clear! It's all about voice, I've been learning. And I'll throw some horses into the next story. And the next story will be just loaded up with rock stars. Whooooohoooo!

Coffeypot, no murder or explosions or car chases...and it's hard to skateboard on a gravel road...

Amish drive by! I thought that was an inside joke!


Hmmm....a bunch of kids...doing stuff...at a place...with some things....


Heidi the Hick said...

It's a mysterious crime comedy?

Marni said...

I don't care what it's about -- it is from you and that's all that matters. :)

Heidi the Hick said...

Oh thank you Marni!

Heidi the Hick said...

I'm sorry, I'm such a giant tease. I can't tell you what the book is about. I just need to talk about it because that makes it seem more real to me.

Erica Ridley said...

LOL. Great list! =)

katy said...

dont forget you promised me you would autograph mine!

Heidi the Hick said...

Hey Erica...maybe I should just send out the list instead of a query. hahahahaha

Indoors, I will, for sure, but I have to get it out there first!

CindyDianne said...

I saw a movie yesterday, The Last Days of Disco, or something like that. It wasn't great, or even good, but they had a formula for a best seller. I sure wish I could get that for you.

But, in your case, I think it may be better for you to re-write the formula. I don't like a lot of the best-sellers, and I am pretty certain I will like your novel!

CindyDianne said...

oh, and there are fun pics posted over at my place today...

Biddie said...

Yeah, really, I had ALOT of fun AT at the fall fairs in Smallburg. Might be some good stories in there somewhere....
BUT, I wasn't really expecting your book to be about any of that. It will be fabu, tho. Stop being so hard on yerself. This is the hard part. Your time is coming, Heidi, and when it does, there will be an awful lot of publishers/agents that will regret giving you the brush off once-upon-a-time!

Heidi the Hick said...

nah, they won't regret it. They probably won't even remember it!

I like the idea of rewriting the formula though...

Michael Colvin said...

I want to read it too.

Has the main character got long hair? Because that might just put me off! ;)

Heidi the Hick said...


One guy has long black hair, one has sort of shaggy blonde hair, and one has a nice golden brush cut.

You'll be okay.

A Paperback Writer said...

I, personally, tend to favor those with long hair. (That's because my own is over three feet long.)
I think it's interesting how you don't like to talk about what you're writing. I have to talk about mine all the time because it keeps the ideas flowing for me. I stagnate and everything comes out all the same when I don't bounce my ideas off other people.
Hey, but whatever works. Everybody's different.

Heidi the Hick said...

Paperback- and may I mention that you took a great blog name for yourself!- I actually babble about my writing constantly in real life. These fake people are so real to me. However, to write about it on my blog is kind of scary. Part of it is, I think, that I don't want to appear to presumptive. It hasn't happened yet. The book is written but it's not a real available book yet.

And also, I feel like I just plain don't want to give away all my secrets!!!

A Paperback Writer said...

hey, I understand. I don't actually post much of my book on my blog, either. But I talk about it constantly with my students -- who love it.
Glad you like my blog name. Even years ago, when I was a kid listening to the song, I thought it had to be the world's worst query letter -- even though I didn't know what a query letter was!
Plus, I'm a HUGE Beatles fan, so naturally, this was the name for me to pick.

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