
Friday, July 20, 2007

I wonder how JK Rowling feels today...

People who loves books are freaking out. The last book in JK Rowling's Harry Potter series drops tonight. Readers of all ages will be dressed up and waiting in line to get their hot little hands on a copy of HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS at exactly one minute after midnight. Just think, those books are sitting there in padlocked, duct taped, shrink wrapped metal clad boxes, guarded by three headed dogs.

Meanwhile there are leaks and spoilers and copies for sale on Ebay.

I don't understand people who don't like surprises. Not only that, but take a sick joy out of ruining surprises for everyone else.

JK Rowling has asked on her website to please preserve the secrecy, those of us who call ourselves fans. And she was very nice about it too.

I'll be holding my hands over my ears and clamping my eyes shut and yelling lalalalala for a few months because I'm not buying the book right away. Are you kidding me? My READ ME pile is towering. I'm concentrating on books that are similar/ better than/ not as good as my own little epic, and Harry Potter doesn't fit into that category. Mine is nothing like this in any way. I will have to wait for Harry. Luckily I'm quite good at delayed gratification.

To hold me over, I'm taking a drive to a small town holding a very big party.

I can't help but wonder what the brain behind this whole monster will be doing now. She is very wealthy. She could have retired years ago, but she had to finish this.

I can't help but wonder what's going on with her right now. I can't imagine, either, what it's like to be the creator of a story that's become a cultural force like this. I'm just trying to convince somebody to make my story into an actual book. I'm just hoping that in the future I won't have to take a crappy $10,000/year cashier job because I can make that amount by --dare I say it out loud--- writing stories...I'm not aiming for a worldwide literary sensation or huge costume parties every time a new book of mine comes out.

(I'll also never fill out a dress like that. Seriously. No matter how much money I'll make.)

What would it be like to observe all of this madness going on?

What would you feel if you started all this?

From what I've heard, Ms Rowling didn't strike it rich with the first couple of books she wrote. But I also have a funny feeling that there are still stories in her head. I don't think success makes the stories stop. I also think she's done with young Harry and his friends. But I wonder if there will be anything left.

I'll be partying with Harry all weekend. I made my husband promise me to take me to see THIS

since my kids aren't all that interested. My Girl is a sensitive little thing who doesn't take well to scary stuff. She's going to wait another year or so until she reads the last few books. My Boy on the other hand, Bucky, would really love to just watch Ghost Rider over and over and re-enact a few scenes.

And because it's Friday, and since we've moved onto movies, I've got plans to see another movie next winter, from my favourite director and featuring my favourite actor.

What a weekend...magic and books and fun. And me in the corner not listening when sneaky spoilers want to tell me what's on the last page.


dilling said...

darn spoilers!
but I will go get that book tomorrow...BUT I do have to finish the one I am reading now...the Bone People. I am loving it but will be sorely tempted to put it aside for Harry and Ron...

captain corky said...

What a rack!

I can't wait to see HP 5. I'm not sure when I'm going to get the chance, but I'm definitly buying all of the books and movies for Corky Jr.

Anissa said...

Enjoy the movie. I'll be glued to the book, I'm sure.

"What? You kids want to eat. How about tomorrow? Okay...just one more chapter..."

I see very little sleep in my near future. ;)

John Q. Public esq. said...

I still love you, even w/out hairy pits

LadyBronco said...

My parents took my boys and my nephew to see HP 5 - it's their own little tradition - and they all said it was totally awesome.

Doughnut said...

I have not read any Potter books nor seen any of the movies...so am out of the loop there. BTW: don't short change yourself too fast Heidi :)

CindyDianne said...

The Teenager came home with two of the just released HP books at 12:30 this morning. One for him and one for the Girl. I am not sure I'll even hear from them for about 3 days!

Balloon Pirate said...

My STBEW's sister and her son flew to England this week in order to buy the book there, as first as possible.

So I'll be able to get my hands on it next week, in its original British form, which for the most part, is just remembering that in England, sneakers are called 'trainors.'


Olly said...

Not such a fan of HP myself, but any author that can get so many people that pumped about reading is truly a hero to me.

Biddie said...

So, did you like the movie? Shawn and I went to see a gorefest instead. I haven't seen the last Harry Potter yet, so I can't see the NEW one until I do.
See you next week, I guess...:)

DINK said...


Michael Colvin said...

I bought the book on Saturday and as I was leaving the supermarket I saw splashed all across the front of a tabloid newspaper, "Harry Potter, does he live or die?"

Needless to say like you I put my fingers in my ears and ran screaming into the car park.

It is Sunday and I am already halfway through. I WILL finish before some sod spills it.

Timmy said...

I dont get it.

Notsocranky Yankee said...

I bought the book yesterday on my way home from work. My daughter snagged it and ran up to her room. I'm sure she'll finish it today or tomorrow -- it's not like I have much time to read it anyway!

Haven't seen the latest movie yet. My daughter hasn't asked and she's the only one who would/can go with me. She is very focused on the Simpson's movie coming out this week. All three kids watch that show every night before bed. We may be seeing that one first.