
Thursday, May 31, 2007

What Heidi Needs...

I heard about this from Her Indoors. It goes like this: type in your name followed by NEEDS. So simple even an idiot like me can do it. I figured what the heck...there aren't that many people in this world named Heidi.

Here's what I got, and what I thought...


...a day off. Well. There are people who would say that my entire life is a day off. What does a day off mean? I don't have to get up at 6am to let the dog out for a pee and feed my ancient cat? Or pick my daughter out of her bed? Or my husband? I get to pretend that I don't really want to write and write well and get it to the point where people will read it? Somebody else will wash dishes? I don't really understand the whole day off thing.

...love. Everybody needs that.

...a lifeboat. Is this a metaphorical lifeboat? If so, yeah, hand me the oars. In a alternate universe, however, where instead of a horse I ride a pirate ship, my name is Booty Landlubber and I'll be needing that lifeboat for escaping from my latest madcape adventure...in which I leave the dirty dishes in the sink and make a run for it.

...to call her dad tonight. Don't have to- he called me last night. I owe him 5 bucks for the salt lick, the guy who sells us hay is going out of business but we might be able to buy his hay baler, and I have to deworm the horses on the weekend. And he's staying with us next weekend on his way up to the big Automotive Flea Market in Barrie next weekend. So now that we've got that out of the way...

...your help. Do I need your help? Sure. Please keep reading. That is all. Thank you.

...a reality check. Yeah right. I don't even know what the hell that is. Next!

...breast augmentation. NO! nonononononono no. No. I like my littluns. They don't knock me out when I'm trotting the horse. They don't get in the way. They don't draw the kind of admiring stares some women get but I'll deal with that; if I want admiring stares I'll just start walking into rooms backwards. Leave my littluns alone!!!

...a haircut. Not necessary- just got a haircut end of March, not due for another til September.

...your thoughts. Always.

and my favourite of all...

...to know that every man she meets is drooling over her. Man I giggled out loud when I read that. I had no idea!

I'd like to add something though, so that in the future if anybody googles this subject the record will be set straight.

Heidi needs at least ten acres and a barn.

Heidi needs a literary agent.

Heidi needs to finish her latest novel, and make it very very good, in order to land that agent.

Heidi needs to complete all four rider levels and pass all the tests to become a Western coach.

Heidi needs a new saddle.

Heidi needs gas money for the truck.

Heidi needs to clean her house.

Heidi needs four tickets to a White Stripes concert.

Heidi needs to weed the raspberry patch.

Heidi needs more husband time.

Heidi needs to sleep better.

So...what do you need?


Biddie said...

I tried this..All I got were Bridget Jones references..SIGH.
I wanna have some fun, too.
I like yours, better.

Balloon Pirate said...

1) $250,000. With that I can get a Sony HDV Camera, A Sachtler tripod, A Kino-Flo Fluorescent light kit, Sennheiser wireless mic system with a Tram TR50 lav, An XDCAM HD player/recorder, Apple 3GHZ Quad Xeon Mac Pro with Final Cut Studio 5.1, Adobe Creative Suite 3 and Matrox RT.X2 bundle, plus a 2005 Pontiac Aztek (great handling car, plenty of interior room, lots of cool bells and whistles, and it's so ugly that I can get one incredibly cheap), plus a down-payment on a house with office space, and enough money left over that I can take the kids on a vacation.

2) A woman.

that's what I need


Heidi the Hick said...

Biddie- did you try "Biddie" too?

I say make up your own. Then google yourself every now and then and go, yeah, that's IT! MInd you I still think the term "google yourself" sounds kinda dirty. Just saying.

Pirate- I love it that you picked out your future car on account of it being really ugly and therefore affordable. That rocks.

Mind you, I think all that dirty talk there with the Mac and Sennheiser wireless...there's gotta be more than one woman in this world who likes that stuff!! Just saying.

Kim said...

I will have to make this my next post....sounds fun...

dilling said...

apparently, Dilling needs nada.

.:.KC.:. the brown eyed girl said...

I have White Stripes tickets and i am so excited. Are we going to go to a concert together this summer?
I want to.

LadyBronco said...

How fun!

I am going to post this one in the next couple of days. :0)

HeidiNicole0787 said...

HAHAHA I also heard about typing the "needs" into the search browser and obviously got the same thing you did since my name is Heidi=] it was fun!

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.