
Monday, October 30, 2006

The Truth About Blogging.

I never thought it would mean so darn much to me.

A year ago when I started this little project (It was Jethro's idea!!!) I had a couple of goals.
-write something every day, or at least regularly
-get some stuff out of my head, other than what I put in my journal
-write something that somebody out there in this big old world might read
-see how many comments I can get.

Ha! Now I've got all these blogbuddies whom I've never met, some whose faces I haven't seen, some whose full names I don't know, and I don't know what anybody's handwriting looks like, and I've never heard any of their voices.

I spend a lot of time with these people. I feel like I know them!

I don't really. This is an interesting kind of getting-to-know but it's not....real. In a way. But at the same time, this is more real than anything else. Even in a semi-anonymous form, we are learning about each other. All of us! It's so weird!

And I totally dig it. So much, that I dragged my best friend and her daughter into it. I love it! We can catch up with each other and now have ten x the amount of inside jokes when we get together! (That's right, Biddie and I are laughing about you!)

All this time though, there is something inescapably weird about this. It's weird in a slightly unnerving way that we can all love each other so much just because we communicate through a screen. It's weird that I'm spilling my guts worldwide. It's super creepy weird that all of my words are out there now, and could be thrown in my face years from now by somebody who really believes that he/she KNOWS me. It's weird that some day, in the not so far future, I fully plan to have a novel out there on the bookstore shelves, and this here extremely public forum will work for as well as against me.

Did you know that if I plug Heidi the Hick into google, every comment I've ever made on your blog comes up?

I wonder what will come up if I plug in Heidi the Hick Johnny Depp or Heidi the Hick Brad Pitt Grocery Shopping????

I wonder sometimes what a real party of all of us would look like. Would we all like each other in real life with our nasally voices and suspicious teeth and exaggerated expressions? Would this incredibly diverse group of bloggers that I've collected actually like each other? And above all would I finally get to be the cool girl at the party????

In a very strange not quite real way, I very much like all of you and want you to keep reading. I've got lots more where this came from. Just.... don't knock on my door and expect more wit and brilliance, cuz it's so much easier to be funny in print. And also I don't shower very often. I'm a writer. And a mother. And a horse person. And a blogger. In real life I'm grumpy and scuzzy. So just don't knock on my door. I'm a hick and a hermit so don't bug me. Blog me instead ok?

So what am I saying here? I dunno. I'm tired and I have a lot of stuff to do today. I'm going to check my blog obsessively over the course of the day and I hope lots of you leave your unique scraps of wisdom to my collection. You all kinda help to make my day.



Timmy said...

I am sure that I would like you for the person you are. I am not too critical of people.

BTW, my party is a month away and lots of bloggers are going to be there. Trip to Indianapolis?

Marni said...

Talk about me all you want, Miss Priss... my dad, cousin and I talk about all of you, too! :) Goes with the territory I guess.

You talk about blogging the exact way I feel. It is hard to believe we have "met" so many people that are so different and yet so much the same. I think the "six degrees of seperation" theory may be getting smaller and smaller...

Balloon Pirate said...

No visiting? Damn.

turns car around and heads back over the border.


Heidi the Hick said...

I know you're not critical Tim- that's one of the reasons why I like you! I think your party would be a scream of a good time!

Marni! Are your ears burning? It's all good stuff when we talk about you!! (Nbody's ever called me Miss Priss, tee hee!)

dilling said...

I have been to a couple of "Cool Kid Parties..." Blase blase...so to speak... nobody laughs loud and long and hard...there is too much primping and too much whispering about other people who ARE in the room. Nobody holds your hair when you really need someone to hold your hair!
Ass-hats. You are much better off hanging with us out here...not that I am saying we AREN'T cool, cuz we are...can you just hold on a minute while I go fix my make-up? I'll be right back...right after I whisper something to this person over here....

Heidi the Hick said...

Pirate...you can blog and drive at the same time???
Damn. That is devoted. I am unworthy!

Heidi the Hick said...

Dilling- haha! Okay then let's be the cool odd kids instead. I have been known to hold my loved ones' hair when I need to.

And I laugh long and loud and hard. There is no other way!!!

Biddie said...

You are NOT scuzzy. PLEASE! I actually have spoken to one blog friend...She is super sweet, and has the cutest accent..Come to think of it, she said the same about me....
Blogging ahs opened up a whole new world for me, and I am so thankful that you dragged me into it!!!
I think that I'll go punch Life or Something Like It into google....

Heidi the Hick said...

Hasn't it opened a whole other world?!

Very therapeutic and I have to say, fun!

Dead man walking said...

You would definitely be the cool girl at the party!

My teeth have been acting suspicious lately. I think they are planning a bank heist!

Timmy said...

Shane! That is hilarious!

Matt Mullenix said...

I'd be very surprised to discover that you smell even a tiny bit funky, Heidi. :-) I think you just want to keep some of us from paying a social call!

I think your observations on the strangeness of these relationships are right on. But I would suggest to you that it is not much different than the kind of long-distance relationships that once (and still) developed between writers. There are plenty of good models there---pen pals who discover one another through their books.

Michael Colvin said...

You pretty much summed up why I enjoy blogging too. I started mine purely as a journal and didn't even have comments switched on to begin with. Now I really look forward to reading them and I think the interaction makes for a great blog experience. I really love the fact that I have to build you all out of my imagination.

A great post Heidi.

Heidi the Hick said...

Matt- I smell like a horse.

"pen pals who discover one another through their books." I've thought of that, and I'm glad you mentioned it. There are similarities!

Heidi the Hick said...

Hmm...building me out of your imagination....I'm 5'10" tall, I'm a genius, I have a perfectly straight nose and I have Kathleen Turner's voice.

A HA HA HA HA! ha ha ha ha ahahahaha!

katy said...

cant wait to go buy your book your post are great! its just so addictive blogging and i cant get enough of it!

Notsocranky Yankee said...

I think everyone would get along fine, but conversation might be a lot of blog stuff.

I had a dream that I won the lottery and had a big outdoor party with the Chili Peppers playing and bloggers were there to enjoy along with our other friends. So I guess the chances of a blogger party are the same as me winning the lottery. Don't hold your breath!

BTW, nice try scaring us away. I would soooo knock on your door if I flew in there for work...

And finally, when in that lottery dream I also bought you a farm. Would you let me in then?

Heidi the Hick said...

Heck yes! Anybody who buys me a farm gets to come and visit! Bring Red Hot Chili Peppers and you can camp out all summer!!! Or move in! haha!!

I'll throw in free books too, heck why not.

Reid Farmer said...

Heidi, you already ARE the cool girl at the party. And horses smell good.

Face to face is good. When I finally met Steve Bodio in the flesh last month after blogging with him for a year, it was almost like meeting a new brother. Our wives seemed to alternate turning to each other and saying, "Reid (or Steve) does that, too!"

Heidi the Hick said...

Reid I always wondered exactly what order your collab with Steve happened in!

This whole thing does remind me of having pen pals in school. Only faster. And with more off colour jokes!!