
Thursday, July 06, 2006

The Price of Scrap is Up!!!!

And you know what that means? Time to clean up a little around here!

The other morning my Dad announced after breakfast, on his way out the door, “Well, I gotta go scrap some cars.” Even around here, it’s just not often you get to hear your old man say that.

I won’t be posting photos these days but even if I could I really shouldn’t. My mom is horrified, appalled, and mortified that the rest of the world would see the mess that has embarrassed her for thirty-odd years. Yes, we have been considered the weirdos of the neighbourhood.

I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, it’s just not pleasant, seeing cars and trucks in various states of repair and decay. On the other hand, damn, I feel sorry for kids who didn’t grow up with a junkyard behind the garage.

Do you have any idea what kind of neat crap my sister and I pulled out of the junkers? I once found a hat with a mysterious badge on the front which read, “Modulate With Me” in those groovy letters like you would imagine the words “Fillmore West” to be spelled with. I had no idea what “Modulate With Me” meant. I suspected it may have meant something dirty. I was afraid to wear it. Plus it was kind of nasty smelling.

I found a very nice Nike hat a few years ago. It fit perfectly and was in decent shape other than being a little frayed on the rim. Big deal, they sell them like that at Old Navy for thirty bucks. This one was free! It became my official summertime barn hat. I wish I knew where the heck I put that thing...

You know that magnificent brown plaid flannel jacket? Guess where I got it. Out of the trunk of an old Malibu. Kid you not.

Is this not the epitome of Hick Chic?

Oh but it goes way beyond clothes. Imagine being five and practicing your driving skills on the most perfectly safe car in the world. It is not going anywhere. You can’t pop the clutch and jerk it forward because it’s resting on the axles.

Imagine the massive collection of keys found from vehicles that no longer need them. That is one impressive and heavy key chain thumping against your hip as you strut across the farm yard.

Imagine showing it off to your townie friends.

Now take it forward a few years up to the point that your legs are finally long enough to drive the tractor. Now you’re happening. Now you can be the person who puts the tractor into first gear and actually pushes the wrecks around the yard!
I got to be that person again yesterday. Ohhhhh yeahhhhhh. My kids are looking at me with a whole new level of respect.

So why the heck, you’re asking, do these weird people have all these junkers? Well, Parts Cars are an essential part of the Fixing Up Cars business. The truth is, if you want a good part, you go buy it, but when it comes to original fenders and hoods and trunk lids, you can’t always find it so easily. You cannot simply scrap a 68 Chevelle. It doesn’t matter if it’s rusted all to heck, or dented. You are obligated to strip it down and part it out because somebody needs those parts!

Of course Parts Cars have a nasty habit of becoming like mooching roommates who take up space and never know when to leave.

Add to that, the way like minded people find each other, specifically, find a like minded guy with access to a backyard in the country, and well, it’s almost like the derelicts breed back there. You start off with one rusty S-10 pickup and a few months later you’ve got three. Weird, eh?

To the old man’s credit, the scrap never crept up to the house. There was a pretty clear line as to where the junk was allowed.

And this week, it’s disappearing rapidly. I don’t feel sad. He’s got projects to keep him busy until he’s 112 years old, at this rate. And now, there’s a lovely strip of grass, free of rusted obstacles, mowed with the bush hog. It makes a perfect place to let the dog run like a maniac, and ride the 4-wheeler, and once we convince the hooves friends that they won’t implode if they walk off the beaten path, to ride our horses.

It’s win-win. Mom gets a nicer view when she drives up the road to home, Dad has more room to work (and park the worthy scrappers) and the kids and dog have more room to play. And....Dad loaded up the trailer with some axles and cross members, an engine block, and a few useless torque converters, he and the Boy took the Whole Mess to the scrap yard, and came home with a couple of extra bucks in his wallet.


Biddie said...

My dad and uncle had a towing business when I was a kid.TMOC,my cousins and I grew up playing in a junk yard.My Aunt was always mortified at the amount of dirt and debris that we would drag home,but to us,it was heaven!!!

Heidi the Hick said...

You and I share brain material. It's true.

.:.KC.:. the brown eyed girl said...

Aww, that sounds like fun, I want to play in the dirt and drive cars that go nowhere. Actually, I just said earlier today "Don't tell anybody this but I want to go to the junk yard and look at the old cars."

dilling said...

I am so glad I stumbled across your blog...I am loving it...and all your links, too. What great reads! Honestly, I check back every day or two and spend a good long time with you and your friends! Thanks!

Notsocranky Yankee said...

When I was very young, our garage had an old '34 Ford (with a rumble seat) and the cab of a similarly old truck. I sat in the truck cab and "drove" it until I was around 5 yrs. old. After that I remember always having 6 or 7 cars, that all ran, but had different purposes. I thought that's how all families were until much later...

Why are scrap prices up? Canada's economy is booming now right?

Heidi the Hick said...

Random- I very much HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you play in the dirt and drive cars that go nowhere. I think you should start making arrangements for that, and never feel ashamed for wanting to go look at a junk yard!

Dilling- why, thank you!!! Really, honestly, thanks! HEY EVERYBODY GO LOOK AT DILLING'S BLOG She has some stunning photos!

Yankee- were our dads separated at birth or something? Aren't you glad you got to be around all that cool stuff!!

I have no idea why scrap prices are up. I'm so out of it on world events and news, especially when I'm hanging around out here...I let everybody else watch the news while I fart around outside. Gas prices are up too...is that a shock?? ha ha!

CindyDianne said...

Making mother happy is a good thing!

I am concerned about this "I won't ne posting pictures these days" comment. Just a temporary thing, right?

Heidi the Hick said...

Cindy & Kari- I will do pictures again, yes! I'm on dial up right now and it just doesn't seem to be fast enough to upload the pix. Veeeery Frustrating!! I don't want to tie up my mom's phone line too long either. That would be rude.

Next week I'll do a big fat Picture Extravaganza! woo hoo!

Heidi the Hick said...

Oh JJ you know I'll be there! It'll be a real job-- I have to haul the kids in from the barn/shop, scrub them and get on the road to the nearest movie theatre. I don't even know for sure at this point what vehicle I'll be in or who's driving but I AM SEEING THIS MOVIE!

Matt Mullenix said...

Heidi your post reminds me to mention my (long ago) friend Janise Ray, a writer from the Southeastern US. She has a couple great books out, the first was "Ecology of a Cracker Childhood," and it's great. She grew up in her dad's junkyard in South Georgia. :-) You'll find a kindred spirit I think.

Here's a review i found online.

Heidi the Hick said...

Matt, I think I'll have to look up that book.