At least once every 15 years we should do this.
The view from our balcony. Yes, our room had a balcony!
Our room is the balcony under the closest dormer window. This was taken from the road. This is Gledhill House, named after the owner of the house, who had been the last owner of...
The Woollen Mill, where the dining room is located:
This is the little scoop of sherbet (I think that's what she called it) which was brought to us for "In between." Did you know there was a part between the Appetizer and the Entree called In Between? I rarely eat anything called Entree. So Elegant.And I'd just like to repeat here that Jethro hopes I never lose my wide eyed wonder at these fancy things. I would hate to ever get used to this stuff.
The lobby at the Woollen Mill: It's decorated with its own parts; the spools, the pulleys, all the old bits of machinery.
The Maitland River, which used to power the two mills in the town of Benmiller (which are both now part of the Inn, keeping the town from becoming a ghost town.)
Check out the size of this bed!
Here's the beach at Bayfield:
Toes in the sand!
Monolithic Man.
This is the bank of land between the beach and the town.
It was hazy that day, and the sunset wasn't as spectacular as I've seen there before. However, it's gotta be a pretty crappy day to have a substandard sunset up there!Did you know you can see the sunset twice? We've done it, years ago. I can't remember how it works anymore; I think if you're in Goderich at a certain time and then leave, drive south to Bayfield, you can catch it again. We didn't do that. We were ignoring any kind of time constraints.
That weekend together was one of the best anniversary presents I've ever gotten. Just as good as the locking doorknob he got me for our twelfth!
Great pictures! Sounds like an amazing place...
Nothing is more divine than the perfect getaway with your best restorative. It looks fabulous in your photos, dreamlike.
Gorgeous pics Heidi. It looks like Jethro picked a perfect place for y'all to go and actually get away. Lovely.
Yeah, right back to reality now after a weekend there and then a week and a half at the farm. THUD.
It was worth it and I hope we can afford to send my parents there for their anniversary. (We'd have to stay at their place while they're gone!)
Gosh, wouldn't that be a hardship, to stay at their place, with your horses??? Wink. Maybe I could stay there while they were gone?!?
So, to be absolutely polite, do you mind terribly if I link your site to mine? I do so love it(and all your friends so much)!
I've never had a romantic getaway in my life. I'll live vicariously through you, Heidi. = )
Dilling- I take every opportunity to take on the hardships of taking care of the horses. Tough job but somebody's gotta do it!
And I don't mind terribly at all, in fact, I'm rather quite flattered. Don't I have the best blog buddies?!
Smartypaaaaants! I can't believe that I of all people, she who lives under a friggin rock, am the girl to provide the vicarious getaway! Hey, I do what I can for ya! (Maybe it's time for another trip to the Caribbean???)
Great pictures! Jethro is such a sweetheart -- Hey, the sorbet is to "cleanse your palate" between courses (I think whoever thought of that just couldn't wait for dessert!)
I read both of those Haven Kimmel books last week and they were great! (You should read the first one too)
I have had my palette cleansed! Who knew such a thing was necessary?!
Yep he's a sweetheart all right.
And yes, the first book is on my list. She has a fiction novel too that I'll have to check out.
wow! very nice! glad you had a good time!
Totally awe inspiring honey. I love it. The neat thing about that place is the interior, I think. I loved the wonderful sitting room there.
The In Between is used to cleanse the pallet, or so I've been told. Not that I ever felt as if I needed a bit of sherbet to cleanse the pallet between a Peanut Butter Sandwich and a grip of corn chips.
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