And also because despite all the potential blog topics in my head, I am not (gasp, choke) in the mood to write it???? Huh??? I'm having fun goofing off with my kids and sometimes I pick something off the floor and put it away, and trying, struggling, forcing myself to finish this thing. It's at a turning point and is giving me some flack. So here's a part that came easily; this is actually where it started. It's unedited and unpolished and is full of typos and swear words which I usually avoid here...but this time it can't be helped. It was necessary. Hope you enjoy and if you didn't you better be able to articulate why! mwahahah. And just so you know, THIS IS FICTION! I made it all up.
Chapter six
It was one of those nights when the stars were scattered across the sky in all sizes, in all shades of brilliance. Jenny, wasted enough that her cheeks were numb and her tongue was too big, lay on the hood of the Caprice, marvelling at the way the big black sparkling sky spun above her. She’d been drunk often enough so far to know that she was a happy drunk. Normally, anyways, she was a happy drunk, but for some strange reason, not tonight. To be truthful, it started before the drinking; she’d started off the evening by referring to Marty as a big fucking goof, which hadn’t stopped her from taking a beer from him. Once she got going she picked up a few more beers, and her mouth got bigger, and she was pretty damn lucky that she was a girl and so far, guys still had a fair amount of respect for that.
Kimberley sat on the edge of the hood, with her feet on the bumper, slowly smoking a cigarette, marvelling at the crappy time she was having. Her ex-boyfriend was following her around, shoving beer at her despite her insistence on being a responsible driver, her best friend was out of control, and this party sucked ass. That big uncle of Brent’s had a bunch of friends and they were all old, they had to be like, thirty or something. They were totally killing the fun. Hey, where you going, Hey get off the tractor, hey the shed’s off limits, hey you’re not going in the house or the barn. But they had a lot of beer and she was pretty sure she’d seen a little white bottle of something stronger making its rounds. Then there was the strong smell followed by the nasty little white roll-your-owns. She got that cold feeling on the back of her neck that she always got when she realized things were too big for her. Despite her outward rebellion, Kimberley still had a pretty healthy respect for the law. Beer wasn’t supposed to be sucked down by teenagers but at least it wasn’t totally illegal. After the Big Uncle’s speech about calling the cops if things went bad, and now here they all were, passing the dope around, just in case they weren’t fucked up enough yet. The party still sucked. Even when all kinds of other girls showed up it was a sucky shitty party.
She glanced over her shoulder at Jenny, sprawled out on the hood, blinking at the sky. Her dark hair was fanned out like a black halo against the grey steel. She looked completely stunned. Kimberley took another deep suck of the cigarette, picturing the smoke curl down her throat and back up into her nose, like the pinstriping on the fenders of a big truck. All those curvy lines and sharp angles. What the hell was up with Jenny? She practically accused Ozzy of never bathing-well who could argue with that but really, to call him out on it? And then, badmouthing a couple of the other girls who were standing around the fire, looking nasty…it’s one thing to slag somebody, but shit, not in front of them! Not in that voice!
What really did it for Kimberley had been turning around and seeing Jenny taking a hit off a joint, with that fucking guy behind her with his arms around her waist. She was just thinking it was time to get the hell home. It was almost midnight, things weren’t going in a favourable way, and the last thing she wanted to explain to her mother was that weird smell hanging off of them. And there was Jenny, leaning back to nuzzle herself into Chris MacFarlane’s face which he bent down to her, and there were his big hands, weaving their way from her hips up to her waist, under the big faded sweatshirt, and Kimberley thought, so much for looking like a little boy.
Now she had to be Jenny’s bodyguard, because Jenny wasn’t going to do it herself. The joint made its way back to MacFarlane, who took a bit more before handing it to Jenny. She watched her friend take a drag and then hold her breath, trying not to cough. MacFarlane laughed and whispered something into her ear. She coughed, laughing, expelling all the smoke. The hands kept on with their mission which appeared to be getting as far into Jenny’s clothes as possible. So what was Kimberley going to do? MacFarlane was good looking, that was for sure, and he’d been the subject of a few of their conversations, but that was it. He was older, and scarier. Jenny was probably quite deeply in love with him at this second. Kimberley could feel her chest heave in a deep sigh. She knew all about Jenny’s emotional roller coaster. She stepped in.
Honestly, Heidi, it's just a matter of time. Someone will be smart enough to publish you, then we can all say that we knew you when..
Did you know in two years when I graduate from my program at College, I can be your agent and make you famous. Yep this program has the ability to take me into almost any field I feel like being in. Your writing is always good though.
Biddie- do you think a publisher is brave enough to take it? I'm only showing the tamer parts here. It gets pretty nasty in places. It'll need a parental advisory sticker!
and hey, I entered that short story contest you told me about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know which story I entered too.
Kari, ooh you're good for my ego! Since you asked so nicely I'll do more. Later. I'm a bit of a tease!
KC -You can be my agent. And my makeup artist.
Man you are loaded down with some hella talent!! But now I want to know what happens! I just read book one and two of Dean Koontz's Frankenstein, only to be left mid storyline, and now I must await for the climax in book 3, and all the way till 2007 at that! Please don't take as long as he did! LOL!
me likey!
Way to leave us hungry for more!!!!
I'm doing a Dead Man's Chest to ya, aren't I?
Folks, I have just gotten my mail and in it was a rejection letter for a query I sent to an agent for my children's novel.
Another one to add to the collection.
Don't give up Heidi. You are talented...maybe it is an issue of niche and this novel could be yours! :-)
Very well written H. I think you got that skeells!
ok, they're idiots. did they even read your stuff? don't give up, there is some one out there that will see what we all have already. talent, baby!!!!!!
Hey sweetie. Email me and I'll tell you what's been going on with me lately.
Thanks again for your kind words. They mean a lot to me.
= )
The rejection letter says, "this just doesn't seem right for us."
You can't really argue with that. Maybe all the represent is lame books.
I'll keep shopping the children's novel but I also need to start shopping this one. If I get a bite then I really will be forced to finish the monster. I actually love it very much. Some parts have come so easily that I hardly knew what I'd written...but other parts are killer.
Thank you everybody for reading!
As everyone says, keep on. ALL writers get plenty of "This isn't quite right for us"-- I do at 56 and with 5 books and hundreds of articles behind me.
"She got that cold feeling on the back of her neck that she always got when she realized things were too big for her."
Steve, thank you! That means a lot to me, coming from you.
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