I brought the bridles home from the farm to clean them and left them hanging on the coat hooks, so that as soon as I walk in the door, I'm reminded of this part of my life. And they smell so good too.
On the first hook is the snaffle bridle I use on the Little Lady. A snaffle has the reins attached directly to the bit by those big rings and usually has a jointed mouthpiece. It only works on the corners of her mouth and her tongue. It's a pretty gentle bit. She's almost ready to move on to a curb, like the bit on the other bridle, which had been Champ's. Her next bit with be a jointed curb with a nice copper mouthpiece and short shanks. Nice and easy.
The next one on the hook is the sidepull that Phoenix is riding in. The sidepull is bitless; it works on pressure from the rawhide noseband. This summer, Phoenix will inherit Champ's bridle. I'll switch that snaffle into it to start him on the bit but I'll probably always go back to the sidepull. I like the idea of having them so well trained to voice and weight that they don't need a bit to stop.
Then there's my dad's hat which he left here after his weekend visit, and my beloved ratty old denim jacket, and my massive leather purse. It holds my datebook (because I can't remember a damn thing unless I write it down) and my workbook (because like I said about the remembering and stuff) and a bunch of other stuff that I always need.
If I keep this up my house will look like a tack shop. That ain't so bad. I should really clean my saddles too...
that was fun!
you could always have a tack shop sale! love the smell of leather.
My sister and her hubby got married standing next to an old hitching post rail... it's now leaning against their living room wall and there are spurs, and tack all over the house...
Now lets see the kitchen. ;)
bah! No Corky, you cannot see my kitchen!!!! Noooo!!! I can't show it to you because it's a disaster!!!!!
Although I might show you the pasta jar shelf. Maybe.
Amethyst, that sounds like an awesome wedding and I like how your sister and her husband decorate!
INdoors, I love the smell of leather too, especially when it's full of horse sweat!
Dilling I got tons o fun. Just wait til you see my pasta shelf. MAYBE.
I laughed when Corky asked to see your kitchen. I would laugh even harder if he asked to see mine.
Corky is funny.
How about photos of the laundry room?
Corky is funny!
yeah, but biddie, my laundry room is kinda worse than my kitchen which is really sad because my laundry room didn't even exist two years ago. I do have a nifty licence plate holder on the wall. And hopefully next week (paycheck pending) I'll have a few of my Inspirational Motivational posters up on the wall...right above Nigel's litter box...
ah, the teenager is embarrassed if any obvious signs that his mother is a horse person show. So, the saddle my grandpa bought me 30 years ago and all my "stuff" is in my bedroom.
I can only assume the barn shoes are left outside unless you enjoy that aroma as well mixing with the bridal. Bringing a little of the outside home :)
BTW: I assume this is your everyday purse and you have more than one!
Cindy, that's funny. My kids aren't there (yet) and so far they don't even blink an eye at all the horse stuff all over the house. We'll seee.....
LeRoy, actually, in winter I'm fanatical about the barn boots not touching anything because they're dirtier in winter. Everything is all wet and dirty, and as soon as I get in the door I pop off the boots and take them downstairs to rinse them off in the laundry tub.
I am not a clean freak at all- EXCEPT for the whole barn boots thing!
Now in summer it's not so bad. The boots hardly get dirty, so I just wipe em off real good before I come in.
And about my purse...yeah, I have a whole drawer full. Don't really seem like the type, but it's true.
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