
Thursday, April 12, 2007

Mystery Ailment

Since Saturday I've been puzzled by this pain that's travelling its way through my delicate fussy little body. So far my elbows, wrists, knees and achilles tendons have all been affected. I've been to two doctors and been told the standard idiot diagnosis: "It's a virus" which is MD speak for "I have no idea what the f*** is wrong with you."

Last night, 3 am, I woke up because the pain in my right knee was so bad. I took one of the Arthrotec pills I'd been prescribed. I hadn't taken one that morning since I felt better and don't like what these pills do to my stomache. I'd taken one at supper. The pain was so bad I was in a cold sweat.

Now, let's back track a little here. Things You May Or May Not Know About Me:

-I was a sickly kid. I wasn't the stereotypical healthy farm kid. To this day I'm not really sure what all my problems were, but I do know that I'm sensitive to chemicals and pollutants and that I must have had depression before I hit my teens.

-I'm not saying I'm tough, BUT last night I writhed in pain for three hours and that is more than two hours longer than the time spent in labour giving birth to my second child, who came out of me with racing stripes, in my own bed, with absolutely no drugs to aid the process whatsoever. It was so fast I didn't know if I'd live through it.

Just to put it into perspective.

I didn't go to the doctor today because I couldn't walk. Once Jethro headed off to the studio I was on my own. I'm serious, I couldn't put any weight on my leg and it hurt to move it.

Add to that, the state of my house. I am not a good housekeeper but this is ridiculous. I haven't recovered from the trip yet and now this. The kids are really learning to cook while being coached from the couch.

(Trip- if you don't know about it, like you're new here, scroll down. Also scroll down and read the discussion about edible substances from trees and guys who drive horse and buggy.)

I didn't start this blog to chronicle my aches and problems....I just find this very weird. I have no idea what's wrong with me. This so called virus is only controlled with arthritis pills????

It makes me feel like I should call Mike the Vet. He's never jerked me around!!


Nicole said...

Yikes, Heidi. That sounds scary.

My dad once got strep in his knee of all places, and it was apparently excruciatingly painful. So you might look into that possibility.

Oh, and don't even get me started on housework (or the lack thereof).

Hope you're better soon!

Heidi the Hick said...

I've never even heard of strep in the knee! Wow! I should keep that in mind next time I speak to my medical perfeshnul.

(My boy is cleaning the litter box...)

terry said...

gah, heidi... this is awful! and it makes no sense.

hoping for a speedy recovery from whatever this is...

Anissa said...

Heidi, that's scary. Really scary. Maybe find a different doctor. I've never heard of strep in the knee either, but if it is, you need antibiotics.

Hope you're feeling better soon.

Coffeypot said...

You are such a cute little filly, anyway, so why don’t you give Mike the Vet a call. Maybe you just need your toenails filled down. Sending good vibes, too.

dmmgmfm said...

That really doesn't sound good. However, there are a lot of strange viruses going around right now and I suppose it is possible that you have one of them. If it's not better pretty soon, though, I'd get a second opinion (maybe from Mike the Vet).

captain corky said...

That really stinks Heidi, but I'm glad to see that you're in good spirits anyway.

Marni said...

Feel better soon, hun. Hang in there...

Heidi the Hick said...

Friday morning- feeling better but still limping.

I have to go see my naturopath next week. I'm sure she has some freaky Chinese remedy. She's always been good to me.

I'm also going to church on Sunday...if I see Mike the Vet, I'll ask him what he'd do if I was a horse!!

(I might smell like Absorbine next week.)

Therese said...


I'm no doctor OR vet, but I have heard of joint pain following toxic spider bites...

That said, I'm not sure you all have toxic spiders up there where it always snows in April!!!

Whatever it is I hope you feel better soon.