
Wednesday, July 12, 2006

5 things you may or may not want to know about...

I got tagged a few days ago and like I good little blogger I'll do this before I do my Promised Picture Extravaganza!!!!!!!! This should keep some of you busy for a little while.

In my fridge

1) some juice boxes

2) a jar of spaghetti sauce

3) some suspicious eggs. Not really bad eggs...just suspicious

4) the slimy remains of what used to be a cucumber


(I really need to go to the grocery store--whimper, quake, sob)

In my closet

1) knee high black platform boots, leather

2) knee high white high heeled boots, not leather

3) ankle boots, red, high heeled, not leather, but RED.

(Note- I do not get out much but when I do, I make it count.)

4) My handknit Daffy Duck sweater from the thrift store. He's my favourite actor besides Johnny.

5) five XXL short sleeved shirts in various solid colours and seven of the same size in various Hawaiian prints. I'm married to a recording engineer. No room for thinking. Grab shirt. Button up. Go.

(My rock band Tshirt collection lives in a drawer and my riding boots are at the front door, in case you're wondering.)

In my purse

1) Happy Bunny Notebook. I scribble ideas for stories, blog topics, addresses of farms that may or may not be for sale, books I have to read, books I have to write, and snippets of conversations heard around me in restaurants (like I spend a lot of time in restaurants.)

2) Ipod Shuffle. I bitched so hard when Jethro blew the money on it last fall because things were tight, of course, and he assured me that it was a legit business expense. Well damn right, because once I got to know it, it became my new best grocery store friend, and until Brad Pitt has time to take me grocery shopping again, I'll be bringing my Ipod to drown out the Horrors of the Supermarket!

3) Date book. Can't live without it. Can't remember what's next.

4) Wallet. Yep I've got one.

5) Two pairs of sunglasses. Never be without.

In my truck

1) Two pairs of cowboy boots that my kids grew out of two years ago. I should maybe move them along.

2) A blanket. Never be without!

3) A mat for the pug to sit on.

4) A pen and a notepad. You just never know.

5) Roll of paper towels. You just never know.

I don't think I'll bother tagging anybody because Redneck Nerdboy already did that for me. Okay. Let me clean up around here a little bit and go get some grub and I'll be in fine form tomorrow.


Biddie said...

Wow.I don't even have a closet, 'cause I broke my foot/ankle, all I own are flipflops,and I lost my sunglasses....I suddenly feel so incredibly sad.

Biddie said...

Wow.I don't even have a closet, 'cause I broke my foot/ankle, all I own are flipflops,and I lost my sunglasses....I suddenly feel so incredibly sad.

Biddie said...

Why does this keep happening?

Heidi the Hick said...

It's because what you have to say is so valuable that it must be said twice.

Either that or you're like me and you get impatient and keep hitting that damn button hoping to make it all go faster!!!!!

Look at the bright side. No closet, no horrible neighbours. Nutty neighbours, but hey.

Heidi the Hick said...

oh- more bright side- you have a fridge! Ok I'll stop now.

CindyDianne said...

Welcome back! Were ya sad to leave the farm? I am always sad to leave the ranch. Except when it is over 100 degrees F and the only a/c is in the truck. Then I don't mind leaving for a drive, but I want to know I am going back. Usually though I am headed down here to the big city to made a livin! *sigh*

Heidi the Hick said...

Kari, sadly, no beer at the grocery store. That'll have to wait til tomorrow. Glad I'm back too! Love your picture!

Cindy, yeah, I'm always sad to leave the farm. It was a great time and the weather was perfect: hot but not sweltering and a nice breeze. Now I am back in the commuter town so my man can make a living in the big city. One of us has to.

JJ- I don't usually wear heels, actually I have to wear the runners with the arch supports like a little ol lady. But in a crowd I get lost. I wear heels so that I don't get a crick in the neck from looking up at everybody!

.:.KC.:. the brown eyed girl said...

At least the pottery stuff isn't in the truck any more. I too, have two pairs of sunglasses in my bag (I don't carry purses...I carry huge bags, you've seen them). Also, I love - hate the grocery store so mp3 players etc are essential.

dilling said...

Welcome home

Distant Timbers Echo said...

Oh, I so want to be in your closet right now!

Heidi the Hick said...

Really? You wear size XXL too?

ha ha

Bunny said...

It's so great to see you're back!!!
I was having withdrawls. . .twitching, drooling, staring off into space!!
All better now!!

Heidi the Hick said...

Heck that's a regular day for me!