Here- have some pictures...

Two people have emailed those to me in the last week.
I want to write about my future horse. But I can't. Not yet. Soon.
I want to write about rock bands and how I am stupid and a brute for punishment because I have started writing another novel and yes, it has to do with music and horses too.
I want to write about how truly self-hating I must be because I insist that one of the characters in the above mentioned started work just has to be psychic. Why do I do this to myself?

I want to write about the author reading I went to but I can't concentrate on it long enough to put it together.But I will tell you this: I need to go to as many as these events as possible.
I don't want to write about violence and hatred and murder. But I think I'm going to have to. Not yet.
I want to write about spring. Finally we have green grass and a few clutches of crocuses are poking out of my front flowerbed, among the remains of last year's leaves.
I want to write about my aching body, but I don't really want to. I want it to not ache anymore.
I want to write about how much I hate computers. I'm afraid that if I do, all three of them will rise up against me and TAKE ME DOWN because I suspect they are more powerful than me. There are three of them- I am outnumbered! (I'm sorry Mac Black, I really do love you, it's just that I don't understand your kind.)
The sun is finally shining. I feel like winter is really over. I want to feel happy. All I have is a brain filled, buzzing, jumping, scattering across thoughts and images and words and senses, like a bucking horse that I can't even get close to let alone saddle up and ride.
I can't get my printer to start again. I'm trying to print all the even numbered pages now. Why can we not communicate?
I want to go outside.
Here, have a picture of Johnny as he works on his newest project with the other love of my life, Tim Burton:

Here's one of My Favourite Pictures Ever: it's like two corners of my musical world colliding...

...with wonderfully happy results! Wouldn't it be awesome if they'd plug those in and got somebody (that I know) to hit RECORD??!!!
Scatterbrain. Screw you, difficult printer. Maybe it's not even your fault, maybe it's me, but you know what? The sun's shining and I got stuff to do. Like, enjoy the sunshine.

Have a good weekend...
Oh My God! That's like a baby deer thingy in that picture! How amazing. For what it's worth I don't agree that you should write about subjects you don't want to, but maybe I misunderstood.
And don't hate me but I don't get the Johnny Depp thing...gasp...did I say that out loud?
Yes! A tiny fawn! Does he think he's a horse??
As for the writing subjects...I feel compelled to write about the unwanted subject but it is a difficult one. I have things to say but I'm wary of saying them. We'll see.
And also, I could NEVER hate you, not even if you don't get my Johnny fascination! (not everybody likes 'em scruffy like I do!) I think it's cute that you held it in so long without saying- how long have you been reading here? hee hee. I'll go looking for some nice pictures of Dallas Green wearing a crew neck sweater for next week...
Awww tiny fawn too effing cute!
Sunbathing Johnny...OMG...too HOT! You can see his cum gutters! OOOOO HAWTNESS!!!!!
The White Bone was very hard for me to read...very. I am thin skinned and it's soft skin, as well.
Sigh, Johnny Fridays always make me happy, though.
I bought it; I love elephants and I'm afraid I might not like what happens to them in this story!
I love that pic of Johnny but I'm not used to seeing men with visible ribs. Although I won't count that against him...
those are all marvy pictures...
cute, cute photo of the horses with the fawn.
don't be wary of saying things, its your blog you write what you need to
Right now I can sense that you just want to be free of everything and let Spring wash up its warm sun rays on you; smell the scents of flowers (yeah and the barn too); and see the colors come back as life begins anew. Perhaps tomorrow or next week you will take on the novel...until then enjoy the weather Heidi!
Where is Bambi's Mommy? DOE!
I saw a gut wrenching documentary on rescued Elephants..they reunited two Circus Prisoners who had been separated for 20 years..they were bending the steel bars trying to snuggle until they finally opened the gate..I cried like a baby!
Now they are wandering around some huge open pasture together for the rest of their lives...there are some wonderful human beings out there, why doesn't the Media cover them 24/7?
I'm amazed by that picture too. It's hard to see the fawn. I hope you're having a good day today.
The fawn in with the horses sure made me look! Great photos.
The photo is great. I almost didn't see the fawn.
My scatterbrained friend...I know the feeling well. I hope that today is a better day for you.
What is this book about that everyone is talking about? I already have about 7 books in my personal library waiting to be read, but I could always add more to the collection....
This post resonates so deeply within me--these are feelings I know well. Thank you for posting them honestly.
I drool every time I see Johnny Depp.
It should be illegal to be THAT good looking.
Ahhh, and it surely must be spring - I finally have flowers blooming in my garden as well.
Have a good one!
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