Big difference from last weekend, when I was wearing a woolly earflaps hat. And a parka.
A week ago, the little mare was still covered in mud. The corral was wet.
My boy was wearing his barn coat to go outside and help Papa bust up some old lawn mowers for scrap. (That's a whole other story and yeah, I'll tell you about it.)
It's over. Today I'm doing yard work in short sleeves. It's time. I want to believe that the worst of spring is over and now we can have to part of spring that everybody talks about. The nice part. Bring it on.
(I'm having the worst Undiagnosed Attention Deficit problems in the last two weeks that I...wha? That's why I'm talking about the weather.)
I sat out almost ALL day on Saturday. It was glorious. My winter jacket is now retired.
You are going to miss that little mare so much. She's so sweet.
Is that a photo of The Boy, or a Cylon?
Bring. It. On.
I'm ready, too.
Yeah, the Boy looks rather alien in that picture eh? He had that welding mask on all day last weekend.
The horse in the picture is actually Copper who has officially turned white! Except for her ears and legs, she has none of her original colour. She's 6 now so I assume she's done transforming every spring.
Next weekend I'll take some photos of the old mare. She's getting very round. I'm getting very nervous. I know she has to go home but I hate to put her on a trailer in Her Delicate Condition.
That and I'm going to miss her.
It is still manic weather here, torrential downpour one moment, clear skies the next but at least now, when the sun does come out, it feels warm...and i can FINALLY smell the spring blooms....and better late than never, three tulips finally arrived in my garden...
glad the sun has come your way it sure makes you feel better when the sun comes out to play
Did someone tell me that Sally was here?
Hi, Sally! I hope that you're feeling ok and not over doing it at work! I guess that if you are going to be hanging out here a bit, I'll have to behave a bit....
Just a little.
I guess that I should clean up my place too, just in case.
Mind you, Sally is pretty laid back and not at judgemental. I like that about her.
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