It's blog party time!
Come on in! Just step through my imaginary front door here- oh thank you, yes, I'm glad you like it. The kids and I made the pine cone garland from things found out in the back forty. Yep, we put on the snowshoes and made an afternoon of it. Good times! But come in, it's cold out there and my imaginary farm house is toasty warm!

Warm up your toes beside my fireplace! I know, it's like Pine Cone World in here. Crazy eh? It snowed a lot that day. I didn't feel like going anywhere.
mmmmm, fireplace...

My son Bucky put up the tree and decorated it! My girl The Tribble did all the arty hangy pretty floaty stuff. I told them they could stop by the party later. They're old enough. I think.
Ha, look what I found! The old BOOM BOX! HOPE YOU BROUGHT YOUR MIX TAPES!

Of course if that's too low brow for you, here's some nice elegant white wine.
Or red. Caution: I think the red-ache will still happen in imaginary world. I don't know for sure because I can't take the red. So you're on you own here! I'm not telling you your business, man, I'm not out to ruin your trip or anything...

And remember there's always nice cool water to drink. I love a tall cool drink of water!

Almost forgot - free beer!
If you figure out what these little silver ball things are on the cookies, please tell me. I don't care, I'm gonna eat them anyways, I'm just curious.

Party always ends up in the kitchen?

Although the breakfast nook is cozy too. Let me light the candles,and the fireplace. Ah that's better. So, tell me how your year's been. Any plans for '09?
If you need to get away from it all, you can go hang around my library for a minute or two. I didn't get it all Christmas decorated - even in imaginary world I get really busy - but it is lovely in here. I lit the fireplace in here just in case, and you're welcome to wrap that blanket around your shoulders.
I love the library. Let's say it like we're British: LYE-bruree.

Now let's say it like we're from the Sowwwth: LAH-brair- eh.
Now let's say it like we're Canadian: library.
HAHAHA that was fun!
Want some cheese with your whine? I mean, wine with your cheese? Gah, there's that pesky red wine again. Maybe the magic blog cheese defeats the red-ache. You wanna be brave and try it out for me?

Pass the Blog Nog!
Meet you in the comments section!
I think I'll have myself some water.
ummm.. i think i'm here waaayyy too early. nothing exciting is happening here yet... see you dudes later.
I see I am fashionably late. Go me.
Wait, I brought the Tito's vodka, but forgot the cranberry. Is there any cranberry juice around here? Huh?
Wow... your house is to die for. I just love the purty Christmas bits and bobs. And star shaped cookies too! I'm gonna call you Martha from now on.
Thanks... I'll have a BlogNog with an extra dash of Rum. Just a bit more Rum... yeah, keep going...a bit more please...
Oooh a piano.
Oh hi! Love the farmhouse, so rustic yet beautiful! I'll have some rum with nog, I mean nog with rum! Here's a tip for dealing with red wine headaches: drink lots of it all the time, and soon you'll be immune!
Hayseed, I believe you are onto something there. I shall start now.
Gotta be one of the most pleasing holiday get ups I've seen. Gotta add "CREATIVITY" to your list of getting through the holidays. Think I'll mosey up to the fireplace with some of that blognog and run. We had a Christmas Party at work with a progressive gift exchange (AKA cutthroat steal without mercy gift exchange). I got this great present of Captain Morgan Rum - it promptly got ripped. GAR!
Wow, I love it when I learn something while partying! (is that what people used to call the Hair of the Dog what Bit Ya?)
I'll conjure up some cranberry, no problem.
I think I'll have myself some water too, first, because I just moved a giant round hay bale with my bare hands (hahahahaha no I didn't, there was a tractor and a friend involved) and I'm thirsty now.
After that... when Tod's done with the piano I'll get him to pass the rum nog....num rog?
Hey, One Red Horse, I am a huge fan of the imaginary party now. All I have to do is think of my sparkling clean imaginary house and I feel all warm and happy!
I am so sorry someone ripped off your Capt Morgan before you had a chance to enjoy. (WHY is the RUM always GONE!?) You deserve unlimited refills of blog nog and rum nog num rog gug rog. Yes!
Just popping in... I'm on my way home in a few hours and if time allows, I drop by for one of those cheeseburgers.
I'll bring the vodka and Bloody Mary mix as well.
Hope you have a guest room -- I don't drink and drive.
Marni, you can stay as long as you want!
(I have pug.)
Hey Heidi! Hey all! Merry Christmas!
I brought some wine and a bottle of Captain's... shall I put them in the kitchen or should we just set them on the buffet?
Hey, anybody wanna join me by the piano? I'm playing White Christmas - the Sex Pistols version. I can get me leg up on the piano and everything.
Angela my dear, you can set that anywhere you like. I'm sure it won't be ignored!
Tod, don't pull any muscles there, you did warm up first right? Okay fine, I'll sing. Or growl. Either way.
I'll take some egg nog, with some Cap't too.
Heidi, the house is beautiful. I'll warm up next to the fireplace. I'm not used to this cold weather!
What I love about these deep fried bacon wrapped sausage thingies is that they're absolutely fat free! Plus, they're delicious..
Shall we sing something softer Heidi? My throat is raw from that last chorus. And I hope you don’t mind, but Amy Winehouse is stopping by later. When she heard about Jethro’s recording studio she insisted on coming over. She wants to cut a new version of Wham’s Last Christmas. Just humour her will you? And for god’s sake don’t let her near the fireplace. She’s got so much lacquer on that beehive it’ll go up like a Zeppelin. :)
If you're looking for me, I've locked myself in the library with the egg nog. Please do not disturb.
I'm so leaving my beach house for this! Stunning work! Give the kids kudos for all the decorating!
I was totally going to bring some sugar cookies and gingerbread men, but I had a rough weekend and got nothing done. :(
I'm glad to be here. I think I'll take my rum straight up if you don't mind. I've never had it that way, but it's been that kind of weekend, and I'm thinking virtual rum is a great place to start.
When does the music start again?
And can I say, your bathrooms are impeccable? very nice party!
Oh, Heidi TH, I forgot to put this down. Where do you want the IHYB award to go?
Wow, Brit, I love the initial for that award! Um, is it heavy???
I put fireplaces in almost every room so you can stay warm. I don't want my southern buddies to get a chill!
Heidi, you have had the kind of weekend nobody wants to have. You can come back here for all the virtual rum you want or like or need. And there are lots of virtual hugs here too.
Maybe if you talk nice to Kerri she'll let you into the library? Bring your rum with you, that might help!
So it's going to get very entertaining in here later, eh? Tod's gonna have to hold up ol Amy there. We have a lot of open flame around here! I can't wait to sing around the piano later! Wheeee!
Who's got the lyrics for YOU'RE A MEAN ONE, MR GRINCH?
Knock knock, Kerri. Can I come in? I've brought rum with me!
I'm feeling better, actually. I may have to leave early for a candlelight vigil. How long will the party last? Can I come back?
And Brit totally beat me to the IHYB award but I'm giving you one anyway. I've got to - obviously the initials just SCREAM you!!
That, and this party and your magazine totally ROCK!
Does blog nog have carbs?
You sure got a lota pretty rooms. As for that room you called a library, I just call the the room with all the big books without pictures.
Let me IN I need some EGGNOG
Heidi, can you help me get this door off the hinges?
Okay, I'm opening the door, but only b/c I'm out of egg nog. No Heidi, blog nog has absolutely no calories but lots of alcohol. Hiccup! Okay, I'm going to prowl though the house until I find the cutout of Johnny boy. Hmmm, HtH, should I start by looking under the bed?
I am in the BATHROOM with the cutout! He is ALL MINE!
bwa haha
YAY! Pretend parties most fun of all! You guys all look awesome!
Let's say library like hillbilly's-- "Lie-berry".
Sorry I ate almost all the cookies, but when you said we wouldn't gain weight I kind of blacked out. When I came out of it I was sprawled on your kitchen floor covered in silver balls and cookie crumbs.
Well, time to go get my pretend buzz on. (since that's the only kind I'm allowed anymore) Woo Hoo!
Crap! I am late, again! You know that I brought my mixed tapes..Of course, I have all of my old fav's, including GLASS TIGER! I hope that the old boom box is working again.
I just LOVE your house! It is so different now, nothing like that last time that I was there.
Great decorating, great tree, and I love the food. Mini burgers? Wow!
Keep the rum coming....
J- she has more, I'm sure of it.
JKB and Kerri... how did you know about the cardboard cutout???? I thought I hid it real good. Keep looking!
Wonder if Capt Jack wants some blog nog with his rum?
Cindy- need some water? hee hee
Bid- you are never late and always welcome. I kicked the boombox and it's working again! When we get through your tapes we'll see if Tod's still capable of playing that piano!
Heidi, you can come and go whenever you please and you can always come back again.
As you know, all goodies and drinkies here are totally guilt and carb free!
Coffeypot, you are my fave Santa, so I hope you got your suit with you.
pseudo- I think I tripped over you earlier. I could hardly see through all the cookie crumbs... and seriously, WHAT are those little silver balls made of???? Enjoy your pretend buzz! It's so awesome - no next-day consequences!
Biddie! I was wondering when you'd get here. Did you bring Bumble with you? As you can see I have a cat under each arm. They love the mini burgers. Heidi has outdone herself this year.
Come and meet Amy. Amy! AMY! Excuse me a moment Biddie, Amy is snorting the eggnog...
Hey, pass me the nog and that rum will ya! And some of those little burgers! Happy Merry Christmas Heidi
You're supercool Heidi my friend. Now, I'm hopping back on the private jet and heading home. Hopefully the boys won't know I ever left.
Thanks for being here, Kerri! Pretend travel is much better, eh?
Tod! HOld her head up!!!!
Jules, fresh batch of tiny cheeseburgers, comin up!
Seriously Tod, with all that hair, her head weighs more than her entire little skinny body. You might need help. Set the cats on the table in the breakfast nook, it's okay. They won't leave any cat hair on my imaginary food. In fact, I just got some christmas cat food out to keep them happy! This is the cat table now!
Pseu, is that you singing? WTF??
have you guys ever wondered what those little silver balls on the cookies are made of? i mean, i ate one once, and it was really good, but like, its silver. seriously. isn't anyone even a bit suspicious????
oh hey, i can play piano. (hint hint.....)
Thanks Heidi. I might have a snooze in one of your comfy chairs for a bit. What with the piano and the nog and the cats and keeping my eye on Amy I think I peaked too early.
Amy's off to score some crack at Bing Crosby's house now. Good riddance, the mad old bint. I'll just retrieve my cat carrier from her beehive and then she'll be off.
Tod I think the library's free if you'd like to snooze for a bit. Pseudosu appears to be holding up the music and Biddie's the life of the party so we're cool!
Also my daughter, apparently, is playing piano. I hope you guys like Finnish cello-metal tunes. Oh there's a rousing rendition of Frosty!
Gotta go out to the barn, so I'll catch ya later. You know, midnight snacks and all that!
Is this Apocalyptica!? These guys rawk!
Hey Heidi, can we maybe go riding in a one horse open sleigh later?
Oh, the weather outside is frightful! But, the booze are so delightful...
Heidi, I put your award in the library after Kerri came out after running out of egg nog. Speaking of, I'm out too. Where's the rum? And yes, the award is heavy.
Thank you for the wonderful fire places - I'm not used to cold weather. I feel bad for complaining about the 23* F when others are having 5* F.
I just knew there would be a cutout of Johnny. Where did the gals take him and which Johnny is it? Cap'n Jack Sparrow? I'd love to sit down with ol' Jack and a bottle of rum.
Ah heck....any leftovers? I just got home from work...can't get out of work at a butcher shop early on a holiday full of eating!
brought my own beer, and don't let me go too crazy cuz I gotta work in the morning again... hungry...
Reels through room twirling arms over head, "I don't want a lot for Christmas- There is just one thing I need- I don't car about the presents- underneath..."
Mrphmmpprrrr (stuffs more cookies into mouth and continues singing)
Hey Jen!
(Grabs Jen's arms and makes her dance with me and Heidi Hick all crazy)
hey, how come no one is playing the piano right now??? how late am i?
LOL at Tod. Of course I am here, just a bit late.
The nerve of Amy snorting her nog!
Bumble is here. You probably can't see him cuz he is white and blending in with the decor.
I LOVE The Sex Pistols! They rock!
Glad to hear that the boom box is up and running. Mind if I play some more 80's stuff?
Can someone please pass the nog???
Crud, it seems the party wound down while I was away.
Well, I just spent two hours standing in nine degree weather, so I'm plopping down in one of these comfy chairs anyway.
Cools 80's music! I remember that! That is so high school!
Is there any wine left? Don't mind me... I'll just snuggle down for a while until I'm ready to go back out into the cold...
hey, is anyone still awake around here? you don't mind if i help myself to some of the leftover blognog with extra rum? hellO?
oh, hey, tiny cheezeburgers...
Dang, I think everyone is passed out! Guess I'll let KB take me home and take advantage of me! ;-)
**Stretching and waking up**
wow, I guess I fell asleep! That was some great party Heidi! And great guests! Man it was really rocking for a while there. You have fun friends.
Okay, I'm slinking back home. I'll bet my hubs wonders where I disappeared to all night.
Ooooh look! leftover bacon-wrapped thingies covered in... are those silver balls??? I don't think anyone will mind if I steal one on my way out...
good morning!
coffee's on...everyone's looking a little bleary-eyed. that's the mark of a good party. well, hi ho hi ho, back to work I go.
thanks for everything...
Good morning! I came back from the barn last night and you should have seen yourselves! Little silver cookie sprinkles everywhere... you know you guys snore, eh? Good thing I had lots of blankets everywhere!
Yep. Good party. Thanks, everybody!
I need to go back out to the barn, I have some work to do, but you can stay. Sometimes the best part of a party is the afterparty.
I got more blog nog if you want it. Right now I'm having myself some magically left over cookies and a cup of tea. I think I"ll eat it beside the fireplace. Yeah...
Man - I overslept! I have to get going, have traveling to do. I'm grabbing some water - no more rum for me.
Fun party - it was a blast!
Gosh, I just LOVE your house and how you've decorated it Heidi! I especially love the library and the kitchen sink!
Merry Christmas Heidi! Your party was a blast!
Oh man - I stay away from blogland for months and come back the day AFTER the party! Darn. Any leftover cheeseburgers? I don't mind them nuked with blognog on the side....
Oh it over? Here i am knocking at your door because someone told me my bud Psuedosu was here...that's her on the floor...what ARE those silver bally things stuck to her? Co'on Sue, let's get you home.
Hey, is anyone gonna eat the rest of these meat fest bacon wrap thingys? Yum.
Hey Heidi-- I'm all recovered from my sugar high now, (those silver balls are delish) and just wanted to say THANKS!- for your wonderful blog and your big heart, amazing writing, and always, always keepin' it real.
Here's to more writery camaraderie in the coming year!
Oh gosh, my little big heart is just warm all over!
It wouldn't have been a thing without you all- thanks for making my blog party so much fun!
(even if you got here sort of late... imaginary leftovers taste even better the next day!)
Enjoy your Christmas holidays!!!!
dang! i missed the party! and it looked so lovely.
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The traditional man's suit has hardly changed for over a hundred years. True, there are numerous versions for different events, but they are all common in their quest for a wise, sharp try to find the person. The good thing about common style for men is that it's effectively elegant effectively cool. A well-groomed man will typically appear his sharpest in a well-tailored suit, and this is a testament to the design of such apparel. A match will be worn to work in several jobs because of the professional look it provides to the wearer, instilling a feeling of respect and trust. Similarly a suit will undoubtedly be worn to several social occasions, like a tuxedo to a black-tie affair. This extraordinary versatility that allows suits to be worn in almost all functions is what gives it its amazing edge and a lasting place in men's fashion.
Contemporary trends in classic men's fashion
Though basic men's styles will never be replaced, it is interesting to note that changes in men's fashion trends have brought certain basic garments back into fashion. The recognition of vintage clothing, especially, has brought back a wide-variety of classic models into men's wardrobes, such as that of the dandy guy. 'Dandy'is a term used to reference men who dress in a classic yet luxurious way, acting in a polished method and placing value on appearance. This tendency for nearly'over-the-top'classic style for men is evident from events including the'Tweed Run', wherever men and girls of all ages dress yourself in particularly Victorian-style outfit and decide to try the roads on vintage bikes - with many of the men sporting flawless mustaches! That is only one of many samples of research presenting the resurgence of such variations. Additionally, there are numerous blogs on the web which give attention to gentlemanly type - such as'The Dandy Project'and'Dandyism'- as well as complete internet sites such as'The Art of Manliness'specialized in providing articles on classic men's fashion and grooming.
In conclusion, although certain areas of common men's fashion could be brought back as new trends, the fundamental clothes that they are derived from will never fall out of fashion.
"All it will take certainly are a few basic outfits. And there's one key - the simpler the better." - Cary Grant
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