I wondered though, when I woke up this morning to a world covered in an even coating of wet sticky snow, what we've done to deserve this.
If you're Canadian you'll know that it always snows in April, although if you're not, you might take that to mean, "It snows steadily throughout the entire month of April in Canada" which isn't accurate! All I'm saying is that tulip shoots don't die if they get snowed on. This year is ridiculous though. We had a green Christmas and a white Easter. I am so tired of winter. I'm sick of snow. I want to be warm again.
This is my backyard a year ago:
This year my dog is (a little bit) bigger and my son's hair is (a lot) longer. Oh, and the grass is covered in white stuff.
I generally hate this time of year. Once all the stubborn greasy snowbanks finally disappear, all that's left behind is slimy brown grass and grit and litter. If spring in the country is all about melting manure piles, then spring in the suburbs is all about melting dog poop surprises and empty coffee cups. It doesn't get green and beautiful anywhere until close to May.
Last night we had the most wonderful rain. Big fat Ontario sized drops, running down the driveway and washing the pavement. It rained for a couple of hours.
The temperature dropped overnight. It's no wonder most of us look like we crawled out from under a rock.
Speaking of which...my husband hasn't had a day off since we got back from out west, a week ago Wednesday. If he gets any paler, he'll be see-through. We need to drag him out to the country this weekend for some "fresh" air! He's got another newspaper interview too.
In our local paper, there's a section called "Finish Our Sentences" with every human interest story. His was particularly funny. Here's an example: If they made a biographical film of my life, the actor I would want to portray me is...
Johnny Depp.
Ha ha ha! That's only because I was sitting beside him going, "OO! OO! OO! Say Johnny Depp!!"

Jethro looks nothing like Johnny Depp! They've had similar hairstyles a couple of times and have the same sparse facial hair; neither of them can sprout a full lumberjack/ farmer beard. And I add that in that photo Johnny's wearing Jethro's favourite shade of formal wear. Other than that...one's big and English blooded and fair skinned and the other is...not any of those things!
Although, I have suspicions that if you took Johnny and shut him up in a recording studio for fifteen years, fed him once a day, twice if he asks nicely, and only let him sleep four or five hours each night, he'd start to look pretty pasty too. I say let's not inflict such a life on our man Johnny. And I say it's time to free Jethro!!!
Man, I hope it warms up so we can enjoy our Saturday the 14th.
First comment - go Cindy, go Cindy!
Hey listen, I've got so very little sympathy regarding the weather. If you ask me, it's all y'alls (yes, that is the plural of y'all) fault that we have had such freaky cold April weather. You know how March comes in like a lion and is supposed to go out like a lamb? Well, not this year, not in North Texas. We haven't seen the lamb yet. And, I am pretty sure that my friends in Ontario are sending us the freaky cold air mass. Jealous much? Are you doing it because you don't want us to enjoy one of 3 months of the year that is normally perfect? Huh? Are you?
Snow is cool (huh?) but I think I would get tired of it, too. As for your shattered glass, I, too, think I am schizophrenic. I do, too. Me, too. Me, too. Not me. Oh yes you are. No, I’m not. He is, too. No she’s not. STOP IT!
Anyways, I (all of us)are still sending good vibes for you and your affliction.
Cindy, I'm so sick of winter I wouldn't wish it on anybody!
Coffeypot, you crack us up. We love your funny comments, and yours too!!
It is weird here too. It is warm and sunny. We don't normally get warm and sunny in April. Tomorrow is expected to be the hottest April in this country since records began.
Wahhh! Help us Al Gore!!!!!!
You know I was just teasing you, right?
I am hating the snow. I want the summer.
Summer = beaches, me at your house, concerts, work, sleeping, staying up late, no homework, popscicles on the front porch, podge, tanning...etc.
PS. Despite the fact that it is Friday the 13th, I am having a kick ass day!
Cindy, honey, I know you're teasing! I'm just too darn cold to joke! My jokes are frozen!
KC I still have podge...
torrential downpour here... wickedly fun dogwalk in spite of that...
So whassup with the mystery ailment? Anything?
Dilling- pictures???
Jackie, I wish I knew! Right now the plan is, get through the run of the prescription and then raise hell if the pains persist. So I'm being a good little patient and going along with it. But I don't like it and I don't have much faith in it.
Torrential rains and cameras do not mix...at least until I win the lottery and can have disposable digital cameras...
Oh you weren't exaggerating about torrential then!
Okay Heidi, are you playing with my mind?! lol...I thought there was a post with you showing us your Hick chic t-shirt that I made a comment on and now it is gone...hmmmm very strange indeed!
BTW I hope your feeling better. Sounds like you have been through a meat grinder with all the pain you have had. Sending you good vibes and warm weather!
Haha! Sorry Lee, it just sounded too desperate once I read it over! You know, the whole, "Somebody please like me!!!!" thing!
I feel okay except that my hands hurt and the left one is getting stiffer all day. Puzzling.
Thank you for the good vibes and I'm really looking forward to the warm weather!!
I'm tired of the cold and the rain too. I'm ready for the summer.
We are having the worst April weather ever!
sorry you got bad weather, its not too bad over here.
hope the pains start going soon get plenty of rest girl
It was almost 20 here in Whateverpeg on Sunday..unbefrickinleivable!
Every Winter feels longer and more tedious...global warming? I know that it's getting Hotter and Dryer in places that are already Hot and Dry..oh nobody cares about my kvetching OY!
You must be delerious that the Ads for Pirates 3 are out. You can get your Depp Charge in a few months!
I had to watch Blow again last week and I forgot to turn it off at the 3/4 mark before everything goes South..Dammit..it must kill you to see Depp with a paunch and a broken nose.
I had to watch Blow again last week and I forgot to turn it off at the 3/4 mark before everything goes South..Dammit..it must kill you to see Depp with a paunch and a broken nose.
Actually...as much as it pains me it just makes me love him more! He's not afraid of getting messed up for his art, y'know? That is a killer movie.
And yeah... really looking forward to the new Pirates movie!!
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