This picture was taken last week, April 3 2007, chust a coubla miles down the ro-ad once from my Mom and Dad's place. Every spring these guys head down from their neck of the woods to sell us car driving wastoids some good maple syrup, which they made by draining sap from the trees then spending days in the sugar shack, boiling it down into the nectar of the gods that they sell to us in 1 Litre jugs. Oh yes. This is how I know it's spring even though it doesn't look like it yet.
Take a minute to soak this picture in!!!! (click and enlarge- it's a little blurry but you can see the harness hanging off the rearview mirror!)
-notice the close proximity of the highway, just in case you get a time warp feeling
-see the horse with his blanket on. There are two but one was tied further down the fence. Notice how the horse is tied long enough to graze. That's totally against Canadian Equestrian Federation guidelines, but oddly, these Mennonite horses never get tangled up in their ropes and yet apparently those stupid riding horses do all the time, therefore necessitating a rule. Hmm..
-do you love this dude's buggy????? I LOVE THAT BUGGY. And I want one. I wonder if it would look weird with a team of Appaloosas pulling it???
I believe this guy is Old Order Mennonite as opposed to Old Order Amish but don't quote me on that because I could be wrong. I've been Mennonite all my life (the car driving, Dukes of Hazzard watching kind) but I still can't describe the differences.
So why am I showing you this picture, other than me just loving it?
Jethro pulled the Jetta over to the gravel and scooted across the road to buy some maple syrup. He had to.
But I also have to tell you about what was in the mailbox yesterday.
The Tuesday edition of the Sprawlville Reporter had a full page picture of him, with the headline, "HIS JUNO MOMENT" and there he is, in all of his long haired, long English faced, black suit wearing glory, the little glass and chrome award on the podium beside him, and one hand pointing out into the audience. He's got a little smirk on his face and actually doesn't look exhausted in that shot.
So when he gets home last night at midnight, he finds the paper where I left in the living room. In the bedroom I listened for his reaction. What did I hear?
I giggled so hard it's amazing the kids didn't wake up.
Yes that's right folks, I am married to the Ozzy Osbourne version of "small town boy does good".
And the emails and cards and phone calls keep pouring in. As much as I love it, it's gotten kind of overwhelming. But I might have withdrawal when it all slows and things go back to normal.
Then I wonder...will life ever be "back to normal" especially since I'm not a big believer in normal anyways? He is the same guy now as he was two months ago; he's the guy before the award, because that guy is the one who earned the award.
But fresh off the airplane last week, everything still felt shifted and new. After paying the Old Order dude, who must be Mennonite because he's beardless and the marrying age Amish have beards, Jethro grabbed his big jug o maple syrup and ran across the road, dodging the afternoon traffic of farmers on their way home from their town jobs, which they keep to support their farming habit. He was grinning wildly.
He set his Juno award winning butt into the seat and drove us home...
lol. He's still the same person to me, now with just a shiny award. Hey I have a shiny award. Let's start a shiny award club. He can be prez because he has the nicer one! We can talk about shiny awards and stuff. Man, I am over tired. lol
For some reason I can picture him dodging across the road with the syrup.
I haven't googled him yet, I am going to do that now.
Maybe we can get together and have shiny award parties!!!!!!
I want a shiny award too!
Glad to see you're not so ill as to lose sight of the important things--stupid horse laws, maple syrup...
When I lived in Wisconsin I had Amish neighbors and my own case of buggy and horse envy. :)
I'm feeling waaay better today, except that now I have a raging Horse & Buggy Fever!!
Therese you will get a shiny award.
(I'm saving up my shiny Canadian loonies and toonies to buy your book!!!)
we knew them when....
I'd like to see a cart like that pulled by apploosas pull up in front of my house...
That cart would look WAY better with a coupla apps pulling it!
Oh, I want some maple syrup! Wish I'd a known. I would have pleaded for you to ship me some! Oh well, next time.
Glad you are feeling better.
glad your batteries are starting to recharge, it must be good stuff that maple syrup!
Ok I've got it:
North american tour. Old Order buggy pulled by nicely matched team of Appaloosas.
I will sell Maple syrup and perch myself on the back of the buggy and read excerpts from my amazing smashing novel. Then sell copies of the novel off the back of the buggy. Two for one deal if you buy a jug of maple syrup with the book.
It's fun, and it's environmentally less damaging!!
It's going to take a long time though, and the darn book's not totally finished yet....
It could take me a few years to get from here to BC to Texas so be patient, hahahaha!
(I'm healthy enough to brave the grocery store now. See ya..)
I loved the beginning of the post as I'm a good old girl from Pennsylvania Dutch country.
IMHO too many people don't understand it when I say, "Throw grandpa over the fence a broom."
"Throw grandpa over the fence a broom."
That's my childhood!!!!!
Only there'd be a "once" after it.
I feel another blog post coming on!
yeah, the explanation of that!!!!
Hell yeah! His buggy is sa-weeet!
thats really really cool about the award. You looked amazing in those pictures :)
Aw. = )
Hate to say it but I don't like maple syrup and yet I appreciate how long it takes to make it and the work involved.
Great pictures. I just sometimes wonder if those guys know what they're missing by not having electricity or the Internet.
Yeah Corky, you're they know that they're missing TV SHOWS?????
I'll tell ya, when that blackout hit a couple years ago they were movin right along with not a care!
Ok you are all gonna think I'm really stupid but I am blown away with the knowledge that maple syrup comes from TREES! It is sap from a TREE!!!
In my defence we don't really have it over here and to me syrup is made from sugar. I never really thought about why it is called Maple syrup...I'm such a townie.
It comes from TREES!!!
It's maple syrup season here too. I walk across the street to my neighbors and watch them boil the sap. I brought them mustard and wine from Paris and they gave me freshly-made maple butter. It's the best!!!!
I love the buggy. How far does that guy travel and what roads does he take?
Hey, why doesn't the shiny award-winning guy write in his blog? I loved the hardware store post, now we need a Juno post. Am I right?
Tod, that's so funny! Years ago Grandpar brought some good Ontario maple syrup over to his sister in England...and she had no idea what to do with it. Pour it on stuff? Cook with it? What?
I can't imagine the first guy to ever look at tree sap and say, yeah man, boil it down and it'll be good. Brave person!
Yankee, I think that sounds like an awesome trade!!
I'm assuming the buggy guy comes from an area about a 20 minute car ride northwest of where we found him. I really don't know how long it'd take him to get there though. In my childhood cart driving days we never really ventured off our property but just went up and down the bush lane!
Some of those buggy horses really motor though. Often they're retired pacers from the track- the equivalent of a frickin Corvette!!!
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