-going to be an interesting weekend
-my coach friend is so cool for loaning us her trailer
-we are boosting the property value of not only our house but possibly the entire neighbourhood by parking a horse trailer in our driveway
-I'm excited
-we blew some money on cool sounding stuff called DRAW BAR and BALL HITCH and HITCH PIN
-the truck is finally living up to its usefulness
-tomorrow is a big day
-men love trucks and trailers
-the only thing hotter than a man backing a horse trailer into a single width driveway off of a busy street in town...is a woman doing that...(let's hear it girls, I know some of you are hot stuff!)
-it wasn't me who backed it in, so Jethro's the hot one
-I am giddy
-I don't feel that I deserve any of this
-but I'm taking it anywaaaaaays
-you have to come back here on Monday!
Can't wait til Monday!!!!
Yeah! I can't wait to meet the new arrival!
I hope you checked your GCVWR!
Oh my GOSH! I am so freaking excited for you! And you do deserve it.
I coulda backed that trailer in...
Can't wait to see pix!!!!
Have a great weeekend!!!
Things are boding well for you! First the Juno, then the Thinky thingy, now this...
Way to go!
And of course you can have the prayer. Take it and be blessed.
Yay!!! Yay for you! Can't wait to see pictures...
I'm so excited for you. :)
Woo Hoo! I think I'm almost as excited as you are!! Can't wait for pictures...
all i can say is come on Monday we want to see the photos!!!!!!!
We got the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating all added up. However I am not sure what the C stands for! AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!
I even vacuumed the truck today. With my achy wrists. I made the kids help. And it was raining. People, I am frickin serious about this.
and making sure the camera is charged up.
oh yes.
oh yes.
oh yes.
is it Monday yet?!?
of COURSE you deserve all this!
giddy's good.
OMG, you got horses, I will be back, me and my girls LOVE horses :)
Looking down at the April 20 post, my daughter Mia loved the pic of the horses and the fawn :)
and the C? Stands for "Can't Stand it!!!!"
Is it Monday yet????
She says "Ball Hitch, that sounds kinda sexy, don't it?"
I say, "Yeah, if you got a Ball Hitch, you gotta scratch it"
That's what keeps a marriage fresh, right?
Heh heh...
Girl, you certainly are on a roll these days!!
Your name was drawn from the 50 entries I received on my blog last week, and you're one of 3 winners who'll receive an autographed copy of my 2nd novel, The Penny Tree.
I tried to find your email on your profile, Heidi, but no luck. When you get home, send me an email me at holly@hollykennedy.com and give me your mailing address, 'k?
Have a great weekend, btw
oh no its only saturday!
And all the redneck girls said, "YEEEEHAAAW! Heidi's gettin' her equine on!"
Fantastic! I'm very excited for you, and I also appreciate the tip in case I ever have to pick up women again. ;)
I'm back and I feel like I got dragged behind a truck! And I'm not the only one who feels that way!
is it monday now?
dilling, not yet sweetie! I have to sleep, god knows how tired I am! I'd load up the pictures now but the camera is upstairs and if I go up there, I ain't comin back down, cuz my bed's up there too!
It's been a verrrrry tiring weekend. There are three horses in the barn.
ok, I've been super patient. Don't you think I've been super patient. But, it is Monday now and dang it, it is time!
your wait is over...
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