what with him being famous for That Haircut. You know what I'm talking about. The Mullet. It's the hairstyle most associated with all of us hicks, yokels, and country bumpkins.

Personally I think you gotta love the guy just for his name alone. C'maaan. Billy Ray Cyrus. It's like a sacred trinity of hick names. It's right up there with Billy Bob Thornton and Tommy Lee Jones.
In 1992, Jethro and I were in our 86 Mercury Capri (not quite a Mustang) on our way to Memphis Tennessee. At every truck stop, rest stop, pit stop and s*** stop, there was the evidence of Billy Ray Cyrus. Racks and racks of T shirts proclaiming "Don't Tell My Achy Breaky Heart" and "I do the Achy Breaky Heart Dance" assaulted us on our way to the fast food line up. Stacks and stacks of compact discs with Billy Ray's solemn face and magnificent waterfall of hair greeted us when we paid for our fuel. We could not get away from Billy Ray.

I didn't like him back then. I couldn't stand the song. I have a real love-hate for those insipid hit songs that get in your head and won't leave, much like they take over the #1 spot at every friggin radio station everywhere. You know what kind of song I'm talking about. You love-hate them too. They're kind of genius in a way. And there was poor Billy Ray, not quite free of the 80s yet in his acid wash jeans and horrid huge T shirt with the arm holes cut down to the ribs. I always hated acid wash.
But the hair. Let's just be fair for a minute. This is a pretty democratic, equal opportunity haircut. Business front, party back, everybody's happy. Billy Ray Cyrus was the poster boy for the Mullet.
And then he disappeared from my awareness, for about twenty years. Apparently there was a parade of albums that I didn't even know or care about. Eventually one night I was flipping channels- didn't take long, I've never had cable TV- and saw Billy Ray on some Doctor Show. He'd moved on to a lovely feathered kind of thing accompanied by a beard. I thought he was much better looking with a few years on him. I wondered if a world existed where a doctor could be a good ol country boy like that, beard and longish hair and all, and if so, where the heck was he when I got bucked off a three year old colt and busted up my ankle? Huh?
And then he was gone again.
But he's baaaaack! We have been watching Dancing With The Stars. We have to, because my Girl is a ballet dancer. I'll come right out and say it- I love this crap. Love it. I love John "Cliff Claven" Ratzenberg and his mostly-naked-while-wearing-a-dance-costume-and-big-grin partner, Edyta. I love Heather Mills dancing on an artificial leg and showing the rest of us that we should not be complaining about our limits. DO NOT get me started on Apolo Anton Ohno because OH NO I am such a dirty old chick and he's got this Young Kiedis kind of look. And I dig the Cyrus. I do. (Sorry.)

See? I said it! No shame!
He's moved on to a Keith Urban kind of look. (I sorta like Greasy Keith too.)
Billy Ray was never a great dancer and he knows it. He might even be going home tonight. If so, I'll miss his drawl and his clumsy attempts at ballroom sophistication. I'll miss the goofy soul patch under his bottom lip. I'll miss his teardrop shaped eyes. And yeah, I'll miss his big arms.

Since this blog is called HICK CHIC and you know that I am somewhat mostly about the clothes, let's have a look at Billy Ray the Phosisticated Reality TV Star:

...a look which to me says, "I ain't so big on this here shiny stuff but dang if it don't feel kinda nice on my skin."
Go Billy Ray! I hope you stick around another week so that the judges can come up with more clever descriptions for your dancing, such as "Hanky panky in the back of a Chevy" which may or may not be a compliment...but sure as heck is entertaining!
my skin is feeling a bit crawly now....what could that be?
AHHHH! I can NOT stand Silly Ray.
He is on that Disney channel tv show Hannah Montana. The one where his kid is the star. She's kinda cute, but he couldn't act if his life were on the line. And his hair?
I feel like mailing some shampoo out to him. Just wash it. Please.
In all fairness, I have not seen Dancing With The Stars. When Mario Lopez and Joey Lawerence were on...well, let' sjust say that I was more apt to surf on over to that channel.
I do admire him though. No matter how much life kicks him around, he keeps coming back.
People in Tenn. still wear those Achy breaky shirts and whatnot.
What's better than a mullet? RAT TAILS!
WHO? remember the songs but not the man sorry!
I watched last night. He was the epitomy of Hick trying to be clever; hick trying for sophistication; hick trying to dance; hick begging for votes.
I liked him.
Dillling- it's your achy breaky hives busting out.
Biddie- I had no idea about that show. (No cable TV) Talent or not, you nailed it- he keeps coming back!
Nolff- ha ha! I know. I saw one on my way down to Florider a couple of years ago. A T shirt that is. My kid had a rat tail last year only he got mad that people called it that...so he grew it out and it became a horse tail. Now it's just a magnificent mess of Zeppelin hair and that's another story...
Indoors, that's just the way it is if you're in England. I don't think those country music monster hits fly over there!
Cindy! THIS-
He was the epitomy of Hick trying to be clever; hick trying for sophistication; hick trying to dance; hick begging for votes.
I liked him.
hahaha, you totally nailed it!
*** Please allow me to draw your attention to the second photo***
which appears to be an album cover titled THE DEFINITIVE COLLECTION.
Now, okay, I'm not sure what it defines. I only know of one song. Maybe that's just me trying to ignore the whole thing...
Heidi...Billy Rae Cyrus will probably only be known for his one and only "signature" song. Clothes or no clothes, I don't think Billy Rae will make much of a big come back even if he could dance...
I think you're probably right.
but in the meantime I am finding him very entertaining!
love...love... LOVE... apolo anton ohno in the same way that you do...
but i still haven't been able to keep up with this show. a friend who has tells me mr. cyrus is endearing because he's trying so hard.
i like that.
I live in Colorado Springs, Colorado (home of the US Olympic Training Center) and we used to have 'Did you spot Apolo today' contests at work. (I work right down the street from the USOTC)
Yeah...he's pretty freakin' good looking. (for such a young guy)
nice post but now i got that freakin' song stuck in my brainpan!
aaaarrrrggh! must...play....Reel....Big....Fish....
We might have to form a dirty ol lady kind of fan club for the young fella, eh?
I don't really follow sports but we always watch Olympics...sometimes it's worth it, haha!
Pirate- really sorry about that but I did it to myself too. Had that darn song in my head all day yesterday. Quick switch the mental music player!!!!
Heidi~ OMG! I thought I was the ONLY one! I love Apolo he is just so yummy! And Did you SEE the "move it, move it" dance? Holy crap I nearly peed my pants. My daughter and I DVR'ed it and watched it like 50 times. Of course, I had to tell her it was because it was "great dancing". Uh huh. And BRC is fun to watch, because you can SEE him counting out the steps in his head. Reminds me of the scenes in Footloose where Kevin Bacon is trying to teach the cowboy how to dance on the football field. Love it!
That's right Jackie- everything you just said!!!
I have nightmares about hair cutters giving me a "mullet" while I'm not paying attention.
Apolo is certainly a good dancer, but he is also a professional athlete (like Laila) so I would expect them to excel in a physical competition. Also, Joey Fatone is a professional dancer so he has an advantage as well. My personal favorite dance team is Ian and Cheryl. They have so much personality and give each dance 100% effort. Ian is not a professional dancer or athlete, but yet he has all the talent of the rest of them -- last week he received six straight "9s" from the judges. I hope he surprises everyone by giving his best performances in the next two weeks and capturing the trophy. If you like Ian and Cheryl, please do your part to vote for them on Monday -- vote 4 times for each phone number and 4 times online. If you like Ian and Cheryl, please do your part to vote for them on Monday -- vote 4 times for each phone number and 4 times online. Also, Ian has really cool videos on his websites at www.IanZiering.com and www.MySpace.com/OfficialIZ and there you can sign up to receive his fun email blasts.
I applaud Billy Ray Cyrus for taking a risk by going on Dancing With The Stars and learning the ballroom dances. He contributed a needed sense of realism to the show and tackled each dance with gusto and determination. My personal favorite dance team is Ian and Cheryl. They have so much personality and give each dance 100% effort. Ian is not a professional dancer (like Joey) or a professional athlete (like Apolo and Laila), so he's at a natural disadvantage, but yet he can go toe-to-toe with them in talent. Last week Ian received six straight "9s" from the judges. I hope he surprises everyone by giving his best performances in the next two weeks and capturing the trophy. If you like Ian and Cheryl, please do your part to vote for them on Monday -- vote 4 times for each phone number and 4 times online. Also, Ian has really cool videos on his websites at www.IanZiering.com and www.MySpace.com/OfficialIZ and there you can sign up to receive his fun email blasts
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